Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis

Are you suffering from acute heel pain in the foot? Is your heel looking red and swollen? If you are showing these symptoms, you might be suffering from plantar fasciitis. This is a disease in which the base of the foot becomes inflamed. It may be due to a sports injury or a stress injury. There is intense pain in the morning while taking the first few steps. It is mostly found in athletes but, it can also affect people with a high Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) and those who are not engaged in physical activity. The high BMI puts constant pressure on the feet, leading to swelling and pain. Treatment consists of therapies using specifically designed splints, braces, arch support, insoles, bandages and shoes. The surgery involves many risks. Hence, exercises and stretches can prove to be very useful in the treatment. Thus, you need to use good shoes specially designed for people suffering from plantar fasciitis. Shoes meant to correct the condition help in reducing the irritation and pain due to inflammation.

Specifications for Plantar Fasciitis Shoes

Plantar fasciitis is usually caused due to shoes not having a proper fit. One should always wear the right kind of shoes to prevent plantar fasciitis. Shoes should be comfortable. They help in reducing pain, thus enabling a person to engage himself in his daily activities. Wearing ill-fitting shoes can cause various problems.

Precise Arch Support
You need to use the best shoes for plantar fasciitis because correct arch support is very essential for healing and to get relief from acute pain. Shoes with solid arch support and orthotics are necessary in case of running shoes. Arch support depends on the person's foot arch (a person can have a flat arch or a high arch). It also depends on the way a person walks. One can consult a podiatrist to find out if there are any irregularities in his/her gait. The podiatrist might recommend orthotics customized to suit a particular person's requirements. People with a deviant way of walking can opt for special motion controlled shoes for plantar fasciitis, which will restrict the flexibility of movements and reduce the stress. It will also help the person to walk in a correct manner.

Good Padding
Another important factor while selecting shoes is that it should have proper cushioning. Shoes that lack cushioning can add to strain on the plantar fascia. It should have the essential filling or padding around the heels, in the forepart and the middle area. If you want to wear footwear with heels, then low to moderate is the choice.

Running Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis

Best running shoes for plantar fasciitis are ones which suit the needs of an individual and feel comfortable during the training sessions. They can be used for exercises to gain positive results.

It is advisable to use proper shoes because running or walking involves strenuous movements. You can consult a physiotherapist to know the kind of motion control needed. Running shoes for plantar fasciitis provide special structural support around the heel which is not found in normal running shoes. They also have an inbuilt scientific technique to deal with pain. Some shoes do not have any supplementary devices, but instead, have an inbuilt mechanism in the sole which treats the problem. But, these shoes are very costly with a limited number of designs and styles. Plantar fasciitis shoes provide the necessary acupressure in the painful area, stretching it and thereby reducing pain and swelling.

Orthotic Shoe Inserts: They are cheaper compared to the shoes themselves. They can be inserted in the shoe like any other sole. But be careful while buying these shoe inserts as there are many manufacturers for them and you might end up buying the one which makes false claims of giving comfort and support. Orthotic shoe inserts have special features to reduce heel pain but they are not useful for treating the condition in the long run. Night splints can also help in healing and reducing pain.

There are certain brands with precise pair of running shoes that suit the needs of people suffering from plantar fasciitis. They include Nike, Brooks and Saucony to name a few. You can try and check out to see if any of the running shoes are comfortable enough to fit your requirement.

Plantar fasciitis shoes should be used according to the requirements of a particular individual. Keeping in mind that you have to cure your ailment, you will eventually end up buying the right shoe pair. It cannot completely cure the condition, but can definitely help reduce the pain and inflammation. Also, do check out other stores to compare and contrast so that you get your best deal.

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