Non Profit Organization Marketing

Everyone is familiar with non profit organizations. Non profit organizations do not work for any kind of profits through their work and therefore none of their shareholders are benefited from the profit point of view. Generally, non profit making organizations include, charitable trusts, public art organizations, etc. These mainly work for the underprivileged people, the disabled and orphans.

Why is marketing done for non profit organizations?" Looking at the 'non-profit' nature of the organization, this is quite an obvious question. However, the answer for this question is to satisfy the needs and demands of people to whom the services are rendered and also to satisfy the needs of the ones who are donating large amounts for the welfare of those people. Non profit organization marketing is also important in order to attract more and more donors towards the organization and therefore provide more quality services.

Steps in Marketing for Non Profit Organization

Develop a Marketing Plan
Before you actually start marketing, you need to develop a marketing plan for a non profit organization. This plan would guide you in the process of marketing.

Identify the Market
Be it a profit making or a non profit making organization - identify the target market. Identify the place where you want to work and to which section of society you wish to cater through your organization. In order to do this, you can research and approach some other non-profit organizations that work in a similar field. Get some necessary tips to reach the donors and publicize your organization.

Advertising forms an important part of your marketing process. Once you have collected and gathered all the necessary information based on your research, start advertising. Begin with the distribution of brochures, contact some social networking websites and flash your advertisements on those websites. Social networking websites are a very useful medium to advertise your organization within the donor circles. Your advertisement should contain the necessary information such as the organizational values and mission statement, the services and the area of work, donation plans and strategies and also the benefits that people can get from your organization.

Continue Marketing
Advertisement will surely help you in gaining donors, but do not stop once you have acquired some of them. Try to retain them for a long time and also keep on searching for new donors. The best ways of retaining your donors and getting new ones are, calling them up for special events, updating them on the change in donation strategies, emailing them frequently and keeping a follow up.

Success Advertisement
Advertising your organizational success is another effective marketing technique, which helps you in reaching greater heights. Through the advertisement of the achievements of your organization, you could be able to display the stability and recognition of your organization. You would therefore get some new projects and high profile contributors.

Business Expansion
Always look out for tie ups with huge profit making organizations, television media and print media. Send your representatives over there and make people aware of your organization and its work. This can help you in increasing the scope of your organization and also reach a larger group of the needy people.

Hopefully, you must have understood these simple steps for non profit organization marketing. However, you can come up with your own marketing strategies by identifying your objectives and mission statements and expand your organization. So, go ahead and continue with your service for a noble cause!

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