Natural Cures for Food Poisoning

Picture this: you go out for the weekend with your friends and have a blast partying and eating foods at various joints. The next day, you wake up to a very unpleasant morning. You feel nauseated, suffer from bouts of vomiting and do not forget the numerous trips to the 'WC'! Well, you have just experienced a bad case of food poisoning. You could drop into the emergency room of the hospital for food poisoning treatment. They will stick you with needles and give you an IV drip to overcome dehydration. A few medications to stop you from puking and prevent your diarrhea from escalating. However, you can try some natural cures for food poisoning that will help you save a trip to the hospital. Let us have a look at the home remedies for food poisoning that will help you get cured right in the comfort of your own home.

Best Cures for Food Poisoning

I will discuss some natural cures that will help you get some relief from the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. However, if your symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, you need to get help from a doctor. Also, if your food poisoning signs are very severe do not waste time trying these remedies and run to the hospital for medical intervention. So, if your symptoms are mild and can be controlled, then let's dive into the home treatment for food poisoning.

Oral Re-hydration Solution
Those suffering from food poisoning should drink an ORS solution about 3 times a day to overcome food poisoning. It will help replenish the lost fluids and keep you hydrated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the best cures for food poisoning is drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar. I repeat undiluted because only then will the remedy work to the best of its ability. Drink about 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and it will help reduce the nausea and kill the bacteria or viruses in the stomach causing food poisoning. Apple cider vinegar will help improve your condition within 30 minutes. But, make sure you brush your teeth with backing soda as it can dissolve the enamel of your tooth.

Garlic Clove
One of the natural cures for food poisoning includes eating one clove of garlic. Just swallow down the clove with water. Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that will help cure your food poisoning condition.

Ginger Tea
Ginger is known for its soothing effect on the stomach. You can drink a cup of ginger tea to cure an upset stomach. Just crush about 1/2 a teaspoon of ginger and add it to one cup of boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for about 5 minutes and drink it up for some relief.

Yes, a simple loaf of bread can make a difference in your situation. Eat the bread without applying any butter or jam! Plain bread has the ability to absorb the bacteria and other toxins in your system. This will help in giving quick relief to your symptoms.

Bananas are the best source of potassium. They help in providing the body with the essential minerals lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Also, banana helps in controlling bowel movement to some extent.

Charcoal Tablet
Charcoal tablet or powder mixed with water will help get rid of food poisoning effects. Just mix 1/4 cup of charcoal powder with water and drink it up. If you do not see much difference, repeat the remedy after half an hour. If you do not have charcoal at home, take a slice of bread. Toast it till it is burned to black. Eat the black, burned parts to achieve the same effects of a charcoal.

Lemon Juice
Squeeze a fresh lemon, add a ginger clove and a pinch of black pepper to it. Drink this juice thrice a day to help absolve vomiting and give some relief to the digestion process.

Raw papaya cut into small cubes should be added to about 2 glasses of boiling water. Allow them to be boiled for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then drain the mixture and drink up the liquid. Drink this concoction 3 times a day as a home treatment for food poisoning.

You should avoid eating solid foods till you feel better. Drink more of liquids like water, tea, electrolyte drinks, juices, etc. This will help keep you hydrated and help flush out the toxins. Eating Popsicles will also be a good idea. After trying these home remedies, if your symptoms worsen or do not seem to show improvement within 48 hours, visit a doctor for help. Hope the above information proves to be a helpful read for you.

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