Exercise Bike Benefits

Cardiovascular exercise is a requirement in any individual's life today, be it a jog in the park, or a walk around the block. Since, many people lack the required time to go to a gym or spend time in the park, exercise bikes are increasingly gaining impetus. Out of all the types available, two have shown fast results and high popularity. Let's look at some benefits of these two equipment.

Recumbent Exercise Bike

This bike is one that has a support at the back so that the rider can recline while he rides. It comes in various styles and colors and is gradually becoming a status symbol for some and a compulsory fitness equipment for many. Recumbent bikes add luxury and relaxation to the work out.

The Benefits

A recumbent bike is useful for all fitness levels
Whether you are a regular cyclist or a recent one, the recumbent bike can be comfortable for you. The tension level can be very low and as such can be appropriate even for the most sedentary user. For a regular cyclist, it can give a good work out in no time. As the seat is fairly large, an overweight individual will find comfort while working out.

It offers a sustainable workout
Recumbent bikes offer sustainable workout. This simply means that the work out will not get mundane. You can always start off with lesser stress on the pedals and graduate to a higher level. This way your muscles will graduate in intensity.

Recumbent bikes are relatively safer
Due to the reclined posture and the back support, recumbent bikes are proven to be relatively safer as compared to other bikes. Moreover, the posture that you maintain in totality, during the workout, is more conducive and safer. There is lesser stress on the spine due to the recline and the back support. More over, the pressure on the joints is lesser, hence, safer!

Whilst working out on a recumbent bike, one has the opportunity to multitask, You can read, catch up on the news, watch television or use your phone. As such, you need not specifically take time out for your work out; you can simply synchronize it with another task!

Stationary Bikes

Stationary bikes, as the name suggests, are bikes that can be kept at your home and worked out on, while they are stationary. They are really user-friendly as one can check the speed at which they are going and the exact number of miles they have covered. They have gained and maintained importance as effective cardio exercise equipment.

The Benefits

Easy to use and convenient
Stationary bikes are really to use, as are all cycles. But the best part of stationary bikes is that one can use them while at home, for however long one likes. The stress and incline can be easily adjusted as per the convenience, health and requirement of the user.

Useful to anyone anytime
How many times have you avoided a workout simply because you are overweight (and hence embarrassed at going out for a workout) or because of bad weather? All of us have done that at some point or the other. The benefit of stationary bikes is that you can use them at your house. As such, no audience and not reason to bother about the weather.

Rhythm development
Due to the slightly controlled nature of these bikes, it is easier to develop a rhythm of workout which is exceedingly conducive to burn fat faster. Moreover, you can change the pace and the incline as per the rhythm, to fit your convenience and breath rate. This helps avoid undue pressure on the lungs.

One can conveniently work out while catching up on their favorite sitcom or soap opera. This really helps in working out, without really thinking of how long you are at it. Let's face it, you will enjoy your workout better, won't you?

There are many other types available in the market, like, spinning exercise bikes and dual-action exercise bikes. But more about them in the next article. This is where I sign off. In the meantime, have a great workout and hope you reap a lot of benefits from an exercise bike!

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