Cleaning Linoleum Stains

Linoleum floors are made from natural materials, including powdered linseed oil. Although they are very easy to clean and maintain, they can be very prone to getting stained. The main reason for this is that linseed oil, which these floors are made of, starts getting oxidized and loses its color if the floors do not receive sunlight. Since, linoleum flooring is most of the time covered with carpets, mats or rugs, this process of the floor changing its color or getting stained increases considerably. If you are looking for some home remedies for cleaning linoleum, then here are a few effective ways of doing that.

Methods of Cleaning Linoleum Floor

Fresh Stains
For cleaning the stains which are still fresh, you can start by first of all vacuuming the floor to get rid of the dirt particles. Once you have done that, take any of the linoleum floor cleaners available in the market and put its required amount in a bucket of water. Now take a clean cloth or a duster, soak the liquid in the bucket with it and gently wipe the floor with it. Keep on wiping, re soaking the cloth and then wipe again, till the stains are completely removed. This method is appropriate for cleaning the stains when they are fresh. If you feel that the liquid in the bucket is getting dirty, you can get rid of it and prepare the mixture again, and repeat the same procedure.

Stubborn Stains
For cleaning stubborn stains, you can start same way by vacuuming the floor with a vacuum cleaner. After that, take the commercial wax stripper, which is available at most of the hardware stores, and get rid of all specks of wax from the floor. Once the wax has been completely removed, take two cups each of water and white vinegar and mix them together. Now, carefully pour a small amount of this mixture on the stained portion of the floor, and using a damp cloth, clean the floor gently with it. This method is especially useful for cleaning stains which have been there for quite some time. When the stains are removed and the floor is dry, you may re wax it, followed by polishing, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.

As you can see, cleaning linoleum floor is very easy and can be carried out by the person himself, without the help of any outside professional services. However, care should be taken that the linoleum cleaner that you opt for should be manufactured by a reputed company. Also, usage of water for cleaning the floor, might cause damage to it. So in order to avoid that, dry the floor immediately, once you are finished with cleaning. Have you ever thought, why to wait for the floor to get all dirty and stained? Why not maintain it from time to time to prevent its staining? So here's a simple remedy for preventing staining of the floor for you, before I sign off. Simply polish the floor at regular intervals, say after a month or so, so that dirt, dust, grime are unable to accumulate on it. This will automatically prevent the occurrence of stains on it.

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