What Exercise Burns the Most Calories

Due to the large number of choices in exercise, people often wonder which exercise would help them lose the maximum weight. Lifting weights at the gym and beefing up one's muscles are one thing, but for those interested in weight loss, there are some exercises which obviously work better than others. The idea is to pick an exercise that you really enjoy doing, as this inevitably means that you can perform it more frequently.

The exercise that burns the most calories is one that will involve a lot of physical activity. In order to burn these calories you need to expend energy, and lifting weights is not a good enough choice, as far as achieving this purpose goes.

Cardiovascular Exercises

This is where cardiovascular exercises come into the picture. There are many different forms of cardio exercises that can be performed by you, and each of them have their own unique advantages for the various muscle groups of the body. The common thing about all of them though, is that they are easily the very best options for burning those extra calories and losing weight. Cardiovascular exercises will help you burn the maximum calories definitely; the form of cardio you adopt totally depends on you and your preferences.

Under cardio exercises you have the choice to jog or run, cycle, swim, skip, walk, perform aerobic exercises or play a sport of some kind. All these exercises are not only beneficial for the body, but they are fun as well. There are certain muscle groups that each of these exercises targets, and they also provide a good getaway from the rigors and routine of every day life. People who swim or jog regularly absolutely swear by it, and it also makes one feel more active and energetic. In our opinion, swimming burns the most amount of calories.

Swimming is one of the most popular forms of exercise and it builds pretty much every muscle group in your body. This is why one feels very hungry after swimming, as one is spending a lot of energy in order to swim. Along with being one of the most complete exercises around, swimming is also a lot of fun and is a great way to your free time. Another fun and effective way of burning calories is through aerobics as this also works out pretty much every muscle group in one's body.

An Exercise That Burns the Most Calories Per Hour

Given below is a list of the most popular exercises and how many calories you will be burning, if you performed them for an hour each. The results obviously vary for different people owing to body type and genetics, but on an average these figures are quite accurate. Now, some of these exercises cannot possibly be performed for an hour each, so some figures here are merely projections.

Activity Calories Burned in 60 Minutes
Aerobics 684
Basketball 564
Boxing 660
Cycling 800
Running 850
Skipping 550
Swimming 523
Tennis 450
Water Aerobics 280

This table should be of some help when trying to figure out which exercise burns the most calories in the human body. The choice is totally in the hands of the performer of the exercise, as it is ultimately in his hands to pick an exercise that is not only effective, but is fun to perform as well.

At the Gym

Sadly, many people overlook the importance of cardio exercises, in order to go the gym and get some pseudo muscles, like they are getting cosmetic surgery or something. The gym certainly provides a lot of advanced machinery and equipment to exercise, but wouldn't you rather go outdoors and get some fresh air as well, instead of sitting in an air conditioned gym trying to lose weight. However, people do want to which particular exercise will help them lose calories at the gym. The answer to these is again related to cardiovascular; the cycling machine; and every gym has at least a few of these around the place. How much you actually use the machine and at what speed, is entirely up to you.

In fact, you can even purchase one of these machines to continue the exercise regime from the comfort of your home. By doing so, you will guarantee a continuity of the regime, and you will not have to miss even a single day or session.

You need to plan your exercise routine very carefully and you cannot ignore even the smallest detail while doing so. Knowledge about the best exercises is crucial in this regard, and you must plan out your regime accordingly. Simply doing an exercise for the sake of it is not enough, you have to fully comprehend its intricacies as well.

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