Diets That Work Fast for Men

Compared to women, men face a bigger risk of health problems due to obesity and being overweight. To name a few of their health issues, Diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and insulin resistance are the major ones. The lifestyle that men have also affects their weight in many ways. By this I mean, after a certain age, they think it is not necessary to carry out fat burning exercises or they don't find the time with their busy routines. There are some men, who have addictions like smoking and drinking, which can also sometimes lead to obesity or belly fat. To control all these health problems and daily lifestyles, a man's diet has to be healthy as well as nutritious, with a good routine of exercise. But if you want to try some weight loss diets that work fast for men, you can try them for a limited period of time. Given below are a few easy ways to lose weight real fast, so read on and see which suits you!

Lose Weight Fast: Diets that Work

Unlike women, men are not so prone to weight gain, but when they do, it is mostly around the belly. Women on the other hand can gain weight in many parts of their body, hence there are many types of workout routines for weight loss in women. While women try crash diets and other techniques to lose weight deposited on their stomach, thighs, hips and arms, men can try these to lose belly fat. Though a balanced diet, with exercise is the best way to lose weight if gained, but otherwise there are some other diets that work for men. To find out which diets work best for men, read into the coming up paragraphs, take a look!

Balanced Diet
When you are an average weighed man, with belly fat, there are certain rules you need to follow in order to get rid of this fat. Belly fat is one of the worst nightmares in men, after they cross their thirties. A proper meal plan which includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins is the perfect choice of a diet that a man can have. Even though a balanced diet is not advised for weight loss, these nutrients are basic requirements in men more than women. Other than referring to crash diets for men, which could also work, you can make alterations in this diet depending on your body requirement. This means you can eat lesser fats and more proteins, lesser carbohydrates and more of minerals for energy gain. This diet goes best with a regular exercise routine like walking, running or cycling. Low calorie and low fat diets can also be an option but for a limited duration.

Low Carbohydrate Diet
Carbohydrates, even though essential for our body's daily metabolism, sometimes leads to excessive weight gain. The whole point of a low carb diet is a process known as "ketosis", wherein the extra fat in the body is used to produce energy when the carbohydrate pathways are not working for energy production. When ketosis is not active, the fat in the body is not used up for any purpose, and keeps accumulating, giving rise to health problems and obesity. Hence when men are subjected to diets that work fast like a low carb diet, there are foods which have very less amounts of carbohydrate, that are consumed. This leads to lesser carbohydrate content in the body, using the fat for energy production. This doesn't mean complete suppression of carbohydrates, but a consumption of 10-60 grams of carbs a day, and the ratio has to be increased.

High Protein Diet
Since the best sources of energy are amino acids, which are also known as the building blocks of our cells, they are the ones who are involved in the most important pathways in metabolism as well. Amino acids make proteins and thus, they are very necessary for the functioning of our bodies. Men require more amounts of energy as their bodies are meant for a higher protein requirement. For this purpose, the energy diet can include foods like all types of meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products and green vegetables have to be incorporated in their daily diets. This high protein diet also builds muscle structures and tissues for physical strength and with proper workout, give men weight loss perks.

Therefore, with these diets that work fast for men, I am sure, following them for a month with regular exercise is going to help you lose that belly fat! But, make sure you don't get lazy and give up as diets like these need determination, which a man undoubtedly has.

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