Calories in Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a vegetable that belongs to the species Brassica oleracea and family Brassicaceae. Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli and collard greens, are some other vegetables that also belong to the species Brassica oleracea, however, they are of different cultivar groups. Cauliflower derived its name from a Latin word caulis (cabbage) and flower. The leaves of the plant shield the florets from the sun's rays while growing. Hence, unlike other members of the cruciferous family of vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and kale, cauliflower lacks the green chlorophyll.

Normally in cauliflower, only the head (the white card) is consumed while the stalk and surrounding thick green leaves are used in vegetable broth or discarded. Being highly nutritious, it can be eaten cooked, boiled, raw or pickled. Low carb dieters or people on weight loss regime normally use cauliflower as a reasonable substitute for potatoes for its similar texture or mouth feel, however, cauliflower does lack the starch of potatoes. The milk, sweet and delicious nutty flavor of cauliflower is at its best when it is in season from December through March.

Cauliflower Calories

Here are cauliflower calories depending upon the method of preparation and serving size.

  • Cooked, boiled and drained (54g): 12 calories
  • Frozen, cooked, boiled and drained (180g): 34 calories
  • Frozen, unprepared (66g): 16 calories
  • Green, cooked, no salt (90g): 29 calories
  • Green, cooked, salt (62g): 20 calories
  • Green, raw (25g): 8 calories
  • Raw (13g): 3 calories
Nutritional Value of Cauliflower

Being low in fat, cauliflower is rich in dietary fiber, folate, water and vitamin C, thereby having a high nutritional density. Some of the nutrition facts are given below:
  • Water content (100g): 93 grams
  • Calorie content of Food (100g): 23 kcals
  • Protein content (100g): 1.84 grams
  • Fat content (100g): 0.45 grams
  • Ash content (100g): 0.6 grams
  • Carbohydrate content (100g): 4.11 grams
  • Dietary Fiber content (100g): 2.7 grams
  • Sugar content (100g): 1.41 grams
Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Though we all know eating right amount of vegetables and fruits is extremely healthy for our body, some of the precise health benefits of cauliflower are given below:
  • Just like cabbage and broccoli, it contains some phytochemicals that are beneficial to our body. For example sulforaphane, an anti-cancer compound secreted when cauliflower is chopped or chewed improves the liver's ability to detoxify carcinogenic substances.
  • Cauliflower also comprises compounds like indole-3-carbinol that act as an anti-estrogen to prevent the development of tumors of the breast and prostate.
  • Similar to other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower also comprises both glucosinolates and thiocyanates (including sulforaphane and isothiocyanate). These compounds improve the liver ability to neutralize potentially toxic substances that can damage cell membranes and DNA within the cell nucleus and may further lead to carcinogenesis cell deregulation and uncontrolled growth.
  • Phytonutrients present in cauliflower act as antioxidants to destroy free radicals and toxins in the body which lower the risks of cancer more effectively than any other vegetables or fruits.
  • It also contains allicin, which improves heart health and minimizes the risk of strokes, hence also helps in maintaining normal cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Selenium, a chemical present in the cauliflower works well with vitamin C to strengthen the body's immune system and infection resistance power.
  • Being rich in nutrient folate, cauliflower helps in improving cell growth and cell replication mechanism.
  • Its high fiber content helps in improving colon health and reduces the risks of colon cancer.
Cauliflower, being a perfect source of proteins and minerals, is a highly useful meal for children, adults, babies and even pregnant women. The aforementioned health benefits and low cauliflower calories make the vegetable an excellent addition to our daily diet, especially for those who want to lose weight fast and stay healthy. I am sure after knowing so many nutritional benefits of cauliflower, you'll never forget to incorporate it in your regular meals, without worrying about cauliflower calories.

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