What Vitamins are Good for Hair Growth

Like I said, hair becomes really brittle, as along with pollution, we don't really take very good care of it these days. Besides, with all the different hair potions and hair gels people use these days, the chances are that you might end up making the hair even weaker. So obviously, there is a need to find ways which will strengthen your hair.

Vitamins Good for Hair

Did you know that the essential vitamins and minerals can help not only in hair loss prevention, but also help promote growth of silky and strong hair? This is because different vitamins perform a range of functions which help strengthen the body and improve the various processes that go on in the human body. They make sure that all the nutrients from food, such as proteins to be particular, are utilized properly and efficiently so that their benefits are optimally realized by the body.

Vitamin A
The case for vitamin A is a tough one. Stopping vitamin A consumption or vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair loss while at the same time over consumption of vitamin A too may lead to hair loss. Either way the thing about vitamin A which makes it good for hair growth is its antioxidant qualities promote the production of healthy sebum which helps protect hair from dust and pollution. Carrots, dairy products, eggs, apricots and peaches are good sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin B
The various range of vitamins under the B-complex umbrella, especially biotin (B7), pyridoxine (B6), Pantothenic acid (B5), and Vitamin B12 help reduce the effects of aging and prevent and reduce hair loss and hair weakening and moreover strengthen hair as well. Vitamin B is found in egg yolk, whole grains, rice and milk.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another important nutrient that helps hair grow better. It helps in maintaining and repairing damaged capillaries which carry the blood to the hair follicles and help improve circulation in the scalp. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps optimize the use of oxygen in the body, which in turn helps improve circulation, which in turn keeps the hair healthy. Vitamin E also helps improve the immune system, hence all the nutrients from food are used for improving the performance of the body, rather than fighting diseases which the body is suffering from. Vitamin E can be found in raw nuts, vegetable oils and leafy vegetables.

To prevent premature baldness and hair loss, adequate consumption of vitamins is a good hair loss solution, as vitamins help in a number of ways in promoting growth of healthy and lustrous hair.

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