Free Vs. Paid Reverse Phone Lookup

The entire gamut of services offered on the Internet can be broadly divided into two kinds. There are free services like email and social networking and then there are paid services which offer specialized facilities. One such service, which falls under both these categories is a reverse phone lookup service.

There are 'n' number of reasons why you may need to know how to find phone number owner. These may vary from a need to reverse lookup a prank caller's number or simply trace a business contact from a phone number.

Reverse Phone Lookup - Free Vs. Paid

The number that you are tracing back to the owner might be a cell phone number or landline number. Whether you will have to use a website offering free service, will depend on which kind of number you are looking for. Free service is only made available in case of landline numbers, while all reverse cell phone number lookup services are paid. Let us take a look at these services in more detail in the following lines.

Free of Cost
As you may already be aware of, most of the landline numbers in USA are listed in public domain in the form of directories that are published by phone companies. Websites like White Pages, have made this entire database of landline numbers available online, which can be searched according to name or number.

If the number has been listed in a public directory, you will find it on White Pages or other websites. Just visit any such website and enter the landline number accurately with the area code and you will find the owner's name and address listed for free.

Paid Service
In case of cell phone numbers, it's a different story. Since the initial introduction of cell phones, the numbers were never listed in public directories. This was one of the reasons why people who wanted to maintain their privacy, preferred a cell phone, besides the inherent advantage of mobility. That's the reason, there are no free cell phone number search services.

I can guarantee that your search for a free cell phone number lookup service will go in vain. You will have to take help from paid services offered by websites like Reverse Phone Detective. They generally charge around $15, as fees for reverse looking up a single number and guarantee accurate information, which will be mailed to you, once you make an online credit card payment.

To conclude, you can run a reverse lookup, free of cost, in case of landline numbers, that have been published in the public domain. However, you have to go for a paid service, if it's a cell phone number you need to trace. Same goes for the case of landline telephone numbers, which are unpublished. As discussed before, the fees are in the range of $10 to $15 per lookup and the services offer accurate information and they can serve you well in case of emergency.

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