How Many Calories in Fruits

Fruits are one of the most healthy foods, which are natural too. There are different types of fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Apart from being a good source of vitamins and minerals, fruits contain compounds called phytochemicals, that offer various health benefits. According to health experts, at least five pieces of fruits must be included in our daily diet, in order to reap the benefits offered by this natural food.

Fruits are also beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight. This is evident from the fact that some of the popular weight loss diets have fruits as the main ingredient. However, fruits contain calories, due to the presence of natural sugars and carbohydrates. The calorie count in fruits vary with different types of fruits.

Calories in Fruits

A diet with lots of fruits and vegetables are beneficial in many ways. Apart from providing you with the necessary nutrients, such a diet may promote weight loss too. The water and fiber content in fruits fill the stomach, thereby restricting the intake of high calorie foods. However the calorie content varies with different fruits. Some fruits like watermelon is very low in calories, whereas, avocado and banana, have a higher calorie content. So, if you are restricted to consume more calories for any reason, you have to carefully plan your fruit intake.

Type of Fruit Serving Size Calorie Count
Apple 1 medium-sized 60-80
Avocado 1 medium-sized 240-260
Banana 1 large 100-110
Blueberries 1 cup 50-80
Blackberries 1 cup 50-65
Breadfruit 1 cup 200-220
Cantaloupe 1 cup cubed 50-60
Carambola Star Fruit 1 medium-sized 45-55
Cherries 1 medium-sized 5
Coconut 1 cup shredded 270-285
Coconut Water 1 cup 45-50
Crabapples 1 cup sliced 85-90
Cranberries cup 20-25
Cumquats/Kumquats 1 medium-sized 10
Currants 1 cup 70
Custard Apple 1 medium-sized 200
Dates 1 date 23-30
Grapefruit 1 large 100-110
Grapes 1 grape 3-5
Jackfruit 1 cup 155
Kiwifruit 1 medium-sized 30
Lemon 1 medium-sized 15-25
Lychees 1 medium-sized 10
Mandarin 1 medium-sized 35-45
Mango 1 medium-sized 100-130
Nectarine 1 medium-sized 40-60
Oranges 1 medium-sized 70-80
Papaya 1 medium-sized 100-120
Passion fruit 1 medium-sized 15-20
Peaches 1 medium-sized 40
Pears 1 medium-sized 75-90
Pineapple 1 cup cubed 55-75
Plums 1 medium-sized 20-35
Pomegranate 1 medium 120-140
Raspberries 100 grams 50
Strawberries 1 large-sized 10
Tangerine 1 medium-sized 45-50
Watermelon 1 cup 48

The above said is only a brief overview about the subject and so, you may seek the help of a nutritionist or dietician for more information about the calorie content in different fruits. If you want to reap the health benefits offered by fruits, you have to consume fresh ones, instead of the canned ones or fruit juices with added sugar and preservatives.

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