Hope Diamond

Hope diamond is the world's largest blue diamond. Today, it is housed in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. The size of this diamond is 45.52 carat. The sparkling blue is due to the presence of boron. When this diamond is passed under ultraviolet rays it displays red phosphorescence.

History of the Hope Diamond

The Hope, or French Blue Diamond, or the Tavernier Blue Diamond was mined in the Kollur mine in Golconda, India. In 1660, a French merchant-traveler and explorer, Jean Baptist Tavernier had come to India. Some say he purchased the blue diamond from an Indian slave. At that time the weight of this diamond was 112 carats. However, there are stories that say Tavernier stole the diamond from the forehead of an idol of a Hindu Goddess Sita. In 1669, Tavernier smuggled the blue diamond to France where he sold it to the king of France, Louis XIV, the Sun King.

In 1673, under the orders of King Louis XIV, the blue diamond was cut to enhance brilliance. The newly cut gem weighed 67.80 carats. The King of France officially named the diamond the "Blue Diamond of the Crown". He wore it around his neck on a long ribbon. Since then it was known as the French Blue or the Tavernier Blue.

In 1749, Louis XV, grandson of Louis XIV, the then king of France ordered the crown jeweler to decorate the "Order of the Golden Fleece" using the blue diamond and ruby.

The Curse

There seems to be a curse attached to this diamond. It is believed that the owners have been struck with bad luck time and again, all the way, all these years.

Louis XIV had lent the diamond to his mistress, Madame de Montespan. Soon Madame de Maintenon, who later became the wife of Louis, replaced her. Soon there were mishaps in the life of the king. King's son, and grandson died shortly.

In 1774, Louis XVI inherited the throne and the Hope which he presented to his wife Marie Antoinette. In 1793, they were both guillotined.

In 1771, during the French Revolution, this diamond was stolen from Garde-Meuble, France.

Some also believe, Tavernier met with a mysterious death at the age of 84.

Why is it called the Hope Diamond?

In 1813, the French Blue diamond resurfaced in London. However, there are no clear evidences whether it is the same blue diamond that was stolen from Garde-Meuble. A jeweler called Daniel Eliason owned this diamond and the weight of diamond had been reduced to 44 carats in 1823.

There is historical evidence that reveal King George IV of England bought this diamond from Daniel Eliason. On the death of the king this diamond was sold to clear his debts.

In 1839, this blue diamond came into the possession of Henry Phillip. It is from his last name, the diamond got its present name. When he died in 1862, his wife inherited it. She later presented it to her second grandson Lord Francis Hope.

He being a gambler lost all his wealth and finally had to auction the "Hope" to pay off his debts.

In 1901, an American jeweler Simon Frankel brought it to the US. The diamond has changed several hands since then and finally it reached the French jeweler Pierre Cartier.

Pierre Cartier sold the Hope Diamond to Evelyn McLean. However, in 1949, this diamond was sold to pay off her debts.

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