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Thyroid Problems and Hair Loss
Hair loss can cause social embarrassment for men and women alike. Although receding hairline is a natural phenomenon, it is definitely a cause of concern if it occurs at an early age. There may come a time, when you suddenly experience hair loss, and your hair start falling off in chunks. You consult your hair expert, change your hair care products, but, to no avail. When you consult your doctor, he will advise you to undertake thyroid tests. Here we will see more on hair fall caused due to disorders of the thyroid hormone.
Hair Loss as a Sign of Thyroid Problems
The thyroid is a small gland located in the throat region. It is shaped like a butterfly, and is one of the most important glands in the body. It is mainly responsible for proper metabolism in the body. Modulation of carbohydrates, fat and proteins; and energy production in the body takes place with the help of the thyroid gland. However, sometimes, due to some reason, the thyroid gland fails to produce sufficient amount of hormone. This condition is known as hypothyroidism, or low thyroid. There are several symptoms associated with hypothyroidism; hair loss being one of them. Along with it, symptoms like weight gain, depression, irritability, fatigue and dry skin are also observed.
Due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones required for proper metabolism of the hair follicles are not formed. Therefore, this leads to a stage of dormancy. As the hair remain in this stage for a longer time, they die out and fall. Secondly, the lack of metabolism also leads to deficiency of proteins and vitamins in hair. Hair do not grow properly due to lack of these vitamins and proteins. Hence, they become brittle, coarse and fall off. An important thing to note, is that it is not only the hair on the head that falls off due to hypothyroidism. Hair from eyebrows, armpits and genitals also become brittle and fall off due to these problems.
Although hypothyroidism is one of the most prominent causes of hair loss in people, hyperthyroidism can also be one of the reasons for the same. It is a condition that develops when there is over production of the hormone. Graves' disease is one of the forms of hyperthyroidism which is commonly found in 80% of people suffering from hyperthyroidism. Weight loss or weight gain, nervousness, anxiety, fatigue, palpitations, tremor, nail changes and hair loss are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, or overactive hormone.
Treating Thyroid Disorders and Hair Fall
If you suffer from severe hair loss for no known reason, it is wise to consult a doctor immediately. Similarly, if you observe any of the above mentioned symptoms along with hair loss, then too, you need to consult a doctor to diagnose the cause for the same. Thyroid tests help in diagnosis of hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism. There are traditional thyroid problem treatment methods which the doctor will prescribe. Secondly, the doctor may even advise certain supplements or natural remedies to stop hair loss and treat the thyroid problems. If the condition is caused due to autoimmune disorder, the doctor will prescribe medications to suppress the immune system. Although the treatment methods are effective in stopping hair fall, there is no treatment for regrowth of hair!
One should identify the symptoms of thyroid problems and consult a doctor immediately on the same. Lastly, if your thyroid tests prove normal, you can consult a hair care expert to find out the cause for hair loss, and look for proper treatment. Take care.
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