Fundraising Ideas for Student Council

When speaking about student council fundraising, the volunteers need to decide fundraiser types carefully. Raising money can be fun, provided the fundraising ideas are interesting and something different from the usual fundraisers. On second thoughts, you don't need to think much as there are many interesting fundraising types. However, the type of fundraiser you may opt for depends upon the school guidelines.

Goods and Services Auction: Goods and services auction is a type of fundraiser, the outcome of which can be mind-blowing. For carrying out this, the student council or the fundraising volunteers can contact the local businessman and service providers to donate some of their products and/or services. The council may receive a variety of goods and services, ranging from furniture, home electrical appliances, arts and crafts, air tickets, restaurant vouchers to hair care or skincare services. After receiving the donations, the council should contact the local auctioneer and fix a day for auctioning the goods and services. The amount of funds raised may vary, depending upon the donations that have been received. But, I am sure this will fulfill the objective of the council.

Direct Sale and Pre-Sale Fundraiser: Both the fundraisers require selling fundraising products. The student council can contact a particular fundraising company and choose the products as per the decision of both sides. In the direct sale fundraiser, the volunteers of the council then sell the products to customers and collect payment. Some fundraising companies require payment for the products prior to selling them; whereas, some allow payment after selling.

In case of pre-sale fundraiser, the members of the council are provided with a fundraising brochure that contains a list of products. The members take orders from various clients and note them down in an order form. Once the order taking is done, the order forms from the volunteers are collected and sent to the fundraising company. The fundraising company sends the products to the representative of the council. The fundraising volunteer then delivers the products to the clients as per their orders. Payment is collected, either at the time when the order is placed or after the product is delivered.

On-line Fundraiser: On-line fundraising has become very popular in recent times. It can be done either in one of the two ways - first, the fundraising company with which the council is working can create a website for the particular group; through which the members of the council encourage the clients or supporters to buy products from the company. For this, the council gets a percentage of the sales. The second option is to provide a link of the fundraising company to the school/college's website. This way, the members can encourage people to buy fundraising products. Similar to the first option, the student council will receive a percentage of the sales.

Special Event Fundraiser: Special event fundraiser is one of the unique ideas for raising funds. The members of the student council or volunteers of fundraising can conduct any event like music or movie shows, or drama recitals. The volunteers sell the tickets for the events to interested viewers and this way money is collected.

These are some of the most interesting and effective ways to raise funds, which you can implement during fundraising, as part of school activities. Fundraising ideas can be anything; but you need to follow the school guidelines and meet the goal of raising funds.

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