Calories in Strawberries

Strawberries are one of the most popular and highly-consumed fruits in the world. These grow on strawberry trees and can be grown in a garden. Strawberry belongs to the genus fragaria. It can be consumed either in its raw form which can be frozen, or in packaged foods like strawberry jam, strawberry juices, strawberry tarts and the list of strawberry flavored food never ends.

Being a fruit, strawberry has many healthy nutrients that can be beneficial for our health and skin. Strawberries contain high amounts of vitamin C. The calories are proportionately distributed between carbohydrates and vitamin C.

Nutritional Value of Strawberries

(For 8 medium berries - 147 gms)

A bowl of 147 gms of strawberries has a calorie count of 45 only!

Nutrients Amount
Total Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 0 g
Total Carbohydrate 12 g
Dietary Fiber 4 g
Sugar 8 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin A 0 %
Vitamin C 160%
Calcium 2%
Iron 3%

Calorie Fluctuations As Per Serving Size

Size of Serving Calories Carbohydrates(in gms.) Dietary Fiber(in gm.) Sugar(in gm.) Vitamin C
1-small (7g) 2 0.5 0.1 0.3 7%
1-medium (12 g) 4 0.9 0.2 0.6 12%
1-large (18 g) 6 1.4 0.4 0.8 18%
1-extra large (27 g) 9 2.1 0.5 1.3 26%
1-cup whole (144 g) 46 11.1 2.9 6.7 141%
1-cup halves (166 g) 49 11.7 3 7.1 149%
1-cup sliced (166 g) 53 12.7 3.3 7.7 163%
1-cup pureed (232 g) 74 17.8 4.6 10.8 227%
1-pint (357 g) 114 27.4 7.1 16.6 350%

Fun Facts about Strawberries
  • Strawberry is a fruit in which the seeds are seen on the outside. Strawberries contain more than 200 seeds, each of which is considered as separate fruit.
  • There is a museum in Belgium dedicated only to strawberries!
  • Strawberries belong to the rose family.
  • Did you know that around 94% of US population consumes strawberries?
  • Strawberries can help improve blood circulation. An experiment found that people who consumed strawberries before a workout burnt 100 calories more than the ones who did not consume strawberries.
  • Rumor had it that if you share a double strawberry with a member of the opposite sex, it will make you fall in love soon.
Using Strawberries in Recipes

Calories in Strawberry Salad
Strawberry dishes are our all-time favorite recipes. Strawberry salads are one of the most healthy strawberry dishes. Strawberry salad, strawberry spinach salad and Jell-O strawberry salads are some of the most popular salads in the world.

Type Calories
Strawberry Spinach Salad (per serving - 1/6th of recipe) 281.4
Strawberry Salad (per serving) 261.6
Jello Strawberry Salad (per serving) 223.4

Calories in Strawberry Cake
Strawberry cakes can be considered a blessing for dessert lovers but probably not for health freaks.

Type Calories
Strawberry Cheesecake (61 gm) 200
Strawberry Shortcake (1/4th of recipe) 142
Strawberry Mousse (per serving) 145

Calories in Strawberry Dessert
Other popular strawberry dessert include strawberry daiquiri, strawberry yogurt pie and strawberry tarts. Calorie count in these desserts is enough for your dietitian to sign you up for an intensive fat-burning workout routine!

Type Calories
Strawberry Daiquiri (per serving) 299
Strawberry Yogurt Pie (per serving) 394.3
Fresh Strawberry Tart (per serving) 193

The calories are not an alarming amount unless of course you eat a ton of these each day. Limit your calorie intake to a bowlful of this nutritional fruit, and try a hand out with making strawberries as part of a delicious recipe every chance you get.

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