Protein Treatment for Hair

Dry, frizzy, listless hair is a common complaint these days. Almost all of you must have encountered dry hair problem at some point of time. If you probe deeper into the matter, you will notice that dry hair is actually the outcome of myriad hair treatments, that you subject your hair to. The damage that you inflict upon your hair through these treatments is tremendous. The end result, obviously, is not something you had hoped for. However, protein treatment for hair could be the answer to all your hair woes.

What is Protein Treatment for Hair
Protein treatment is a mechanism by which you add protein and moisture to your hair. The various hair treatments such as coloring, perming, straightening, etc. rip your hair off its moisture and protein content. This often leaves the hair weak and susceptible to breakage and fall. The main aim of protein treatment for hair is to return the lost moisture and protein back to the hair. Naturally, you get healthy, silky, soft hair after the treatment.

Does It Work
The most important reason why protein treatment works is due to the natural structure of the hair. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. This is a natural protein which is synthesized by the body from the food we eat. However, it is necessary to keep replenishing the protein in hair, which it tends to lose due to various factors. About 15-20% protein is lost during the first chemical treatment itself. Additional protein is lost whenever you subject your hair to more chemical treatments. This lost protein is returned to the hair when you opt for protein hair treatments. Thus, strengthening your hair by returning its natural building block is a great way to ensure proper health of the hair.

Types of Protein Treatment
Protein treatments for hair are commercially available in the form of protein products. These products are rich in natural proteins and thus feed the hair with the much-needed nutrient. However, if you have badly damaged hair due to frequent chemical treatments, it would be wise to get the protein treatment done from a professional salon, rather than attempting it at home, with the help of commercially available products. Also, it is imperative to know which products really work, because all the products available at the supermarket may not suit your individual hair type. You can always consult your hair expert and ask him to recommend a suitable hair product for you.

However, natural protein treatment is the best, if you really wish to have hair that are healthy from inside out. This includes eating foods that are rich in protein. Go through this list of high protein foods, to incorporate these foods in your diet. Also, applying natural protein conditioners like eggs and coconut milk help a great deal in retaining the protein in hair and preventing them from getting dry.

Protein hair treatments are definitely a great way of achieving healthy and beautiful hair. However, if you go overboard with it, you will most likely make your hair even more dry and brittle. This is because excess protein leaves no room for moisture in hair, rendering them dry and weak.

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