Applebees Nutrition

A fine dining experience at a restaurant is often accompanied by a guilt trip, more so, if you are a serious weight watcher. All of us look for an opportunity to dine outside at any given occasion. However, the calorie loaded restaurant menu, no matter how delicious, throws your diet program out of the window. While you dig into your sumptuous food, you promise yourself to shed those calories at the gym next day. The good news is that, you no longer have to spend a day working out, as many restaurants are now offering special diet menus for their patrons. Applebees is one such casual dining restaurant chain in US that has come with its special nutrition menu, which lists the calories along with other nutrients in their dishes.

Applebees Nutrition Guide

As mentioned above, many restaurants are now introducing light dishes in their menu, these days. However, these food items do not come with exact calorie count. Hence, it may be a problem for you, if you are counting your calories as a part of your weight loss program. Simply saying that the food is low calorie does not give you any idea regarding how much of it should you consume. An exact calorie count can help you manage your calories for the day. However, with the help of nutrition guide, you can now keep a track of your calorie intake for the day. Most dishes in weight watcher's section like steak and other staple dishes come with their respective calorie count. Applebees appetizer nutrition and dessert nutrition is also available along with main dishes.

Applebees Nutrition for Weight Watchers

Honey Grilled Salmon

  • Calories - 555
  • Fat - 10
  • Protein - 47
  • Carbs - 72
Low Fat Garlic Chicken Pasta
  • Calories - 532
  • Fat - 10.3
  • Protein - 34
  • Carbs - 76
Chicken Fajita Rollup
  • Calories - 642
  • Fat - 11
  • Protein - 54
  • Carbs - 74
Low Fat Blackened Chicken Salad
  • Calories - 538
  • Fat - 12.5
  • Protein - 46
  • Carbs - 70
Applebees Nutrition Facts

Applebees nutrition allows you to watch what you eat while dining out. However, this option is available only for the lighter menu. Yet, it is indeed commendable that the restaurant offers its patrons a range of low calorie foods from steaks to salads. The only problem is that, if you go to the restaurant only for their specialty dishes, you are likely to get disappointed as the particular dish may not be a part of diet menu. This may tempt you to ditch your diet program and go for that juicy burger you so craved for, while you are in the restaurant.

Another problem with nutrition menu at Applebees is that they only list the calorie content and fat or protein, in some cases. This may not be sufficient to truly keep a watch on your diet. The nutrition guide says nothing about the sodium content or even starch present in the food. As you must be aware, sodium is extremely harmful to your body. Hence, if you only go by the calorie count of the food you may achieve weight loss, but at the cost of your health. In short, knowing just the contents of a handful of nutrients is not enough if you are interested in losing weight in a health way.

Another issue that was raised against Applebees nutrition menu is that they list the contents incorrectly. This means, you could actually pile up calories without knowing it. This can be highly misleading for people who visit the restaurant in an attempt to keep a tab on their weight while still enjoying good food. Hence, if you truly wish to follow a healthy diet you need a full list of all the contents present in the food with their respective counts.

Applebees nutrition sure allows you to stick to your diet, only if you are bothered about the calorie count. If not, be certain that eating out will do little to keep your weight in check because you will never truly know what exactly goes in your so-called low calorie food.

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