Organic Milk Brands

Organic foods are those that have been grown naturally, without interference from pesticides or fertilizers that are chemically oriented or harmful when sprayed and applied to these foods. Cows that are fed only with organic feed without the use of synthetic hormones, with spacious pens that allow for good breeding and upbringing is where organic milk comes from.

Cows are well taken care of and are treated basically like kings and queens, where quality is guaranteed and the process of making these organic is what qualifies milk as being naturally pure. Regular milk doesn't lose out on quality, except that the process is less complex, where both organic and regular milk are found to embody the same nutrient content. People are particular these days with how milk has been produced and packaged, with many not caring about the process but making sure nonetheless that what they drink is wholesome, healthy and nutritious.

Organic milk is put through a strict check just like regular milk, where both kinds qualify as being good and beneficially the same. The only difference is that much care is put into making organic milk, to give those who drink it a much safer backing to rely on than regular milk. After the first hype that surrounded regular milk containing chemicals and dangerous agents that were better washed down the drain than ingested, people became more cautious and switched over to the organic side of things. There is a lot that can be offered in terms of health benefits as a matter of fact. Even food these days are being approached warily, with many switching to organic edibles.

Top Organic Milk Brands

Not all companies are coming up with organic milk as their prime product type because to them it is pretty much the same kind of milk that is produced, since both types are put through rigorous checks for quality and safeness. The following brands of milk are those that you can completely trust, being rated and grouped according to three levels - outstanding, excellent and very good. The company cornucopia has evaluated, tested and done rigorous research on these brands, ensuring consumers with a list organic milk brands that aren't masked with adulterants. So go ahead and check out these reliable organic milk companies that you can safely buy your milk from.

Fresh Breeze Organic Dairy
Organic Valley (CROPP)
Trickling Springs Creamery
Castle Rock Farms
Crystal Ball Farms
Sky Top Farms
Stremicks (Heritage-Foods)
Harris Teeter
Clover Organic Farms
Save Mart, Lucky, Food Maxx (Sunnyside Farms)
Wegmans Food Markets
Upstate Farms
Raley's, Nob Hill, Bel Air, Food Source (Sunnyside Farms)
Ingles Market (Harvest Farms)
This Land is Your Land
Natural by Nature
Sassy Cow Creamery
Bridge View Dairy
Hails Family Farm
Radiance Dairy
Coonridge Dairy
Traders Point Farms
Wisconsin Organics
Straus Family Creamery
Whole Food Markets
Scenic Central Milk Prod. Co-op
Amish Country Farms
Kalona Supernatural
MOO Maine's Own Organic Milk
Evans Farmhouse Creamery
Hawthorne Valley Farm
Kimberton Hills
Cedar Summit Dairy

Why You Should Choose Organic Over Regular

Organic milk companies work to the bone when it comes to their cows, and want nothing less than a perfect glass of wholesome milk catering to customer satisfaction of the first order. So what is it about organic milk that makes it easier for customers to reach out for than regular milk in stores?

No Antibiotic Use
Animal health is kept in check by taking care of cows in a way that doesn't allow for the use of antibiotics that can lead to dangerous resistant infections towards antibiotics itself. Natural ways of taking care of these animals is practiced.

Chemical Based Fertilizers/Pesticides Strictly Prohibited
Organic farmers use natural compost for soil and practice methods like pasturing animals, rotating crop and planting cover crops to help pull in nitrogen naturally through the soil. Farmers make sure all means of planting are done naturally with a lot of care and attention gone into soil maintenance. It prevents erosion, and keeps soil teeming with organic matter promoting good microorganism growth. The soil is so well-maintained that other factors like harmful greenhouse gases, disease problems and stunting of growth is all eliminated due to the care involved. Pesticides are not used in organic farming, and are banned by organizations who oversee organic farmers and their ways of bringing up livestock. They use instead cultural practices to handle crop-needs and protect it from pests and other damaging elements.

All Crops Are Naturally Grown
Organic farmers do not believe in genetically engineering their plants, since these can have serious effects on both animals and those who consume it. Organizations keep track of organic companies and restrict the use of GMOs as their way of growing crops.

Organic food and drink companies all follow a strict norm of bringing up their animals and plants in a way that only caters to what is natural and healthy for human consumption. Many are switching to organic milk as their daily dose of protein and calcium, but many are still loyal to regular milk. Whatever it is you choose, organic milk can leave you doubtless about the milk's contents.

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