Choosing a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

Linda and Nelson had been blessed with a baby girl 2 years back. Overjoyed, Linda had taken off from work to watch her speak her first words and take her first steps. 12 days, that is how long the baby had been walking when she slipped over the computer wires and hit her head on the glass cupboard. With tears in their eyes, Linda and Nelson rushed their baby to the hospital. Luckily she had only bruised her knees and elbows.

Sometimes the wires in the office or the house could be the reason for an accident. Yes, there is a way out of the predicament and that is to opt for a wireless mouse and keyboard!!

When choosing a wireless keyboard and mouse, it would be better to buy the bundles because they tend to be a little cheaper. Of course please remember that these kinds of wireless desktops are slightly more expensive because of the Bluetooth technology. This technology is used to transfer the signal and also gives you the opportunity to connect your cell phone or PDA through the same receiver. Lost of the wireless keyboards that are available today are equipped with RF or infrared based transmission.

Information about some of the types of wireless keyboards and mouse may help refine your search. Here is the information:

Types of Wireless Keyboards

  • Split Key (also known as ergonomic keyboard) Keyboard
    If you want comfortable typing, then this is the keyboard for you. This is because the keys on this keyboard are split into two separate sections that are slightly angled towards each other. This feature allows your arms to maintain a natural position while typing, which in turn reduces the tension in your shoulders and arms.
  • Regular Keyboard
    This keyboard is the computer keyboard, as we know it. Of course there are new versions that are doing the rounds, for instance the ones with multimedia and Internet shortcut keys.
Types of Wireless Mouse
  • Wheel Mouse
    This term is used to refer to the regular mouse that has a wheel and is suitable for most needs.
  • Optical Mouse
    The optical mouse uses an optical mouse window in order to determine its position. This is a wonderful feature when you think of it in terms of maintenance. This kind of mouse also shows better performance on surfaces that are too rough for a wheel mouse.
Advantages of a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

The wireless keyboard simplifies life with just the absence of wires. It is because of this feature that the user has the additional freedom to make data entries without sitting in proximity to the computer system. That is not all, installation and operation become simpler too. The absence of wires also ensure uncluttered workplaces. Wireless keyboards usually use a USB keyboard protocol.

A boon for people who yearn for freedom from wires, wireless mice certainly make it easier to move around. Tiredness and strain are greatly reduced because of this gadget too. A wireless mouse receives its power supply in two ways, one is the battery and the other the charging seat wherein the mouse if powered to a power supply.

With all that information, I certainly hope you find the wireless/cordless combo you are searching for!

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