Allergic to Shellfish

People who are allergic to shellfish are only a victim of their own immune system that is tuned to protect the body from any substance that it identifies as being harmful. Unfortunately certain kinds of proteins (allergens) in shellfish is one of such substances. The result is that when these proteins are detected, body's own mechanism gears up to destroy these foreign entities by releasing histamines. Histamines trigger allergic reactions that are known as the shellfish allergy symptoms.

Allergic to Shellfish: Symptoms

The common shellfish allergy symptoms that an individual may develop are:

  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Eczema
  • Nasal congestion or trouble in breathing
  • Tingling sensation in the mouth
  • Swelling of the lips tongue or throat
  • Dizziness, nausea or fainting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Tightness in chest
In case of severe reaction of the body to the allergens in shellfish, an individual may experience anaphylaxis. Though rare, this condition requires immediate medical help. A person can be identified to suffer from anaphylaxis if his blood pressure drops suddenly, his pulse rate increases, if he develops a lump or swelling in the throat that obstructs breathing or feels dizzy and faints.

Allergic to Shellfish: Treatment

Mild symptoms like rashes and itchiness due to shellfish allergy can be dealt with by taking antihistamines. However, for the more severe shellfish allergy treatment for anaphylaxis reactions, injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) must be administered immediately. Those who are severely allergic to shellfish must carry these injections with them at all times because despite all conscious measures to avoid shellfish, one may ingest the allergens unknowingly. Even though the shellfish allergy symptoms may subside after having taken the injection of epinephrine, one should visit his doctor for a check up of his health. However, as they say 'prevention is better than cure', there are certain points that an individual allergic to shellfish must keep in mind. They are discussed in the following section.

Know Your Shellfish

There are several types of shellfish and an individual who suffers from food allergy due to eating shellfish must stay away from crustaceans like crabs, lobsters, prawns, crayfish and shrimp. Mollusks like mussels, clams, oysters and scallops also contain the allergy causing proteins. Other than these, snails, periwinkles, octopuses, squids and cuttlefish are also known to cause allergic reactions in people.

Also those who are highly allergic to shellfish must be careful when eating in restaurants. The cook might have used the same oil to make a dish you have ordered in which he cooked lobsters. Even if a cook does not use same oil to cook different dishes, it is important to know if they use different surfaces to prepare shellfish. It has also been found that if an individual has someone in the family who is allergic to shellfish, then he might be more prone to developing allergies due to shellfish consumption than any other individual.

Other than dishes made out from shellfish, there are certain food products that have shellfish extracts that may contain shellfish allergens. They are Worcestershire sauce, salad dressings, and other prepared sauces. Surimi (imitation shellfish) also has shellfish extracts. In a nutshell, it is very important for individuals who are allergic to shellfish to know what are the components in a shellfish that they are allergic to and be aware of the ingredients used in the food that they eat.

There are far greater number of people who are allergic to shellfish than current statistics account for, mainly because of the fact that many don't eat this type of fish. Like already said, in case there is someone in your family with shellfish allergy, there is a probability that you are prone to similar allergies. Consult your doctor and get the tests done accordingly. If tested positive for shellfish allergies, then be careful about where and what food you eat.

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