Grow Hair Faster for Men

Hair care was almost a female-oriented domain for a long time, with hair care products and treatments cropping up for the fairer sex. Now, the scenario has changed and men have also started coming out with their hair problems. Like females, they too vie for healthy and shiny hair, which is considered as a beauty asset. Even though, most of the hair problems are similar for both sexes, some of them are gender-based, like male pattern baldness. However, how to make hair grow faster, is a common query from both men and women. Even though, most of the grow hair faster tips are common for both, this article is exclusively for those men, who are desperate to grow hair faster, naturally.

Hair Problems in Men

Most men, who experience hair thinning or hair loss, may have tried various grow hair faster products, like, grow hair faster shampoos. While some of these products may prove to be beneficial for some, others can make the situation worse. Hence, it is always better to adopt natural methods to grow hair faster for men. Male hair loss can be due to various causes like hormonal changes, age, heredity, nutritional deficiency, poor hair care, use of harsh chemicals on hair, faulty hairstyles, medication and diseases. While some of the causes (like any disease or hormonal changes) need medical attention, others can be countered with proper care. Some types of baldness can also be prevented. If you are not experiencing any hair problem, then also these tips can prove beneficial by improving the overall health of your hair and to grow hair faster.

Tips for Faster Hair Growth in Men

If you are having any health problem, which is causing hair loss or thinning, you must treat the condition. As age and heredity are factors, which cannot be prevented or avoided, you can only delay the symptoms, by taking proper hair care. In case of people, who have an improper diet, which leads to nutritional deficiency, a change in diet can solve the problem.

Proper Diet: One of the most common factor that affects hair growth is an improper diet, which is deficient in hair vitamins, proteins, minerals and amino acids. As hair is primarily made up of proteins, your diet must be rich in proteins, with foods like, fish, nuts, avocados, meat, etc. You must also have a regular supply of vitamins and amino acids through your diet. Vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E, are necessary for healthy hair. Folic acid is one of the important hair vitamins, which should not be ignored. Likewise minerals, like, iron, zinc and calcium, are also good for hair. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are also necessary for growing hair faster in men. Total avoidance of fatty foods is also not advisable, as it causes a deficiency of these fatty acids. In short, you have to adopt a diet, which is rich in all the nutrients and hair vitamins for thinning hair and hair loss. Foods, like, soybean, spinach, tuna, sardines, canola oil, sunflower seeds and walnuts, are good to grow hair faster for men. You may also consult a doctor and take vitamin supplements, as per his/her advice.

Proper Hair Care: Identify your hair type and use hair care products, which are meant for that hair type only. Keep your hair clean by washing it, at least twice a week. Shampoo it, and rinse well to remove traces of shampoo. Use a good quality conditioner and let it air dry (no blow drying). Avoid using harsh hair care products or chemicals on your hair. Remove split ends, while trimming. If you want long hair, reduce the frequency of trimming, as it is a misconception that trimming promotes hair growth. Wet hair has to be handled gently and use a wide-toothed comb to detangle it. Scalp massage is also good for hair growth. While you can do it daily, for at least five minutes, once in a week, you can go for oil massage too. Herbal oils like coconut oil, olive oil, jasmine oil and almond oil are good for scalp massage. Use your fingertips to massage the lukewarm oil into the scalp.

Proper Lifestyle: Lifestyle is inseparably linked to the overall health of a human being. The same applies for the hair too, as a faulty lifestyle may result in hair thinning and hair loss. A healthy lifestyle include a regular exercise program, which helps in increasing the blood circulation to the scalp, which is good for hair. Avoid smoking and excess alcohol consumption. Have enough sleep and drink lots of water. You must also avoid excess intake of carbohydrates, spicy, fatty and junk food. Stress and anxiety can also affect the health of your hair. Adopt measures, like yoga to combat stress.

All these measures, can jointly tackle the hair problems and make it healthy. However, if you have any underlying medical condition, which is causing hair loss or inhibiting hair growth, you must treat the condition. In case of male pattern baldness, there are many drugs, like minoxidil and finasteride, which can be taken as per the prescription of a doctor. You can also go for hair restoration surgery. All the above mentioned hair care measures can help to combat hair loss in men, who are suffering from the condition. For those without any hair problems, it can help to grow hair faster for men.

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