Dangers of Unhealthy Packaged Foods

Foods are packed using special packaging techniques to store and maintain the foodstuffs in good condition when they are stored. Packaging of food refers to the processing of food for preserving it from contamination from germs and dust. Another important aim of packaging food is to decrease the food wastage. In the developed countries, where the packaged foods are used quite often, the amount of food wasted is around 3%. Whereas in the developing countries, the rate of food wastage is around 30%. However, have you ever considered that these packaged foods can prove to be unhealthy and at times dangerous?

The packaged foods are processed foods easily available in the market. The packaged foods contain artificial sugar, additives, chemicals and preservatives. Nowadays, when one visits a grocery shop, he spends on an average more than half the budget on buying packaged foods. The human body needs vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are responsible for good physical and mental health. Processed foods do not contain these essential nutrients and contain unhealthy preservatives. Let us get to know how unhealthy packaged foods are dangerous.

Dangers of Food Additives and Preservatives

Food preservatives or additives are the ingredients in the packaged foods that are used to preserve the food for a long time and thus, increase the shelf-life of the food. These additives include artificial sugar, sodium nitrate, trans-fats, BHA and BHT, synthetic food colors and monosodium glutamate (MSG). The foods labeled as no sugar added, actually contain artificial sugar, which are actually empty calories. The empty calories have a low nutrition to calorie ratio and lead to increase in weight. Usually, the soft drinks contain these artificial sugar additives, which are a major reason for the growing rate of obesity in people.

Sodium nitrate is added to the packaged meat and are said to carcinogenic. The sodium nitrate in the meat gets converted to nitrosamines (which are carcinogenic) when meat is cooked at high temperatures. Trans-fats are mostly found in the snacks, biscuits, cakes and crisps. Trans-fats are saturated fats, which increase the rate of getting a heart attack. The saturated fats harden the heart arteries and leads to heart failure.

The BTA and BHA are two antioxidants that are added to avoid unwanted fermentation of food. The research is still going on to prove that BTA and BHA are carcinogenic, so it is advisable to avoid food with these additives. Monosodium glutamate is a food enhancer, which is used to improve the taste of the food. Frozen foods are preserved using monosodium glutamate.

Salt is added to the food during the processing of vegetables, condiments and in fast food. Salts play an important role in maintaining the blood pressure to normal levels and general muscle contraction. However, increase in the salt intake may lead to water retention in the body and high blood pressure. The arteries in the human body shrink due to the excessive intake of salts.

Added colors and dyes in the food are found in cereals and ice-creams. Many colors are carcinogenic and do not have any nutritional value. From allergies to autism, colored foods can be a cause of many diseases.

The dangers of unhealthy packaged foods can be listed as follows:

  • Body ache
  • Allergies and rashes
  • Tiredness
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
Remember, all the packaged foods are not unhealthy. Next time when you buy packaged foods, make it a point to check the ingredients and additives of the packaged food.

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