White Hair Coloring

Coloring your hair white is a bold move, and one that will surely turn more than a few heads. However, if this punk rock look is your hearts desire, know that white hair color comes with a warning. One of the possible outcomes of a bad coloring job is a frightful hair color. In graver circumstances, hair may get severely damaged, causing it to become brittle and break easily, or fall out in clumps. Not only is it difficult to achieve, the end result is often white hair that at times looks purple or brassy. While your safest bet is to visit a professional, if you are cash strapped and cannot afford it, yet have made up your mind to do it, here is how to color your hair white:

How to Color Hair White


  • Deep conditioning mask
  • Old clothing
  • Volume 20-30 hair bleaching kit
  • Stylist gloves
  • Two plastic shower caps
  • Hair dye mixing bowl and spatula/brush
  • Hair dryer
  • Towels and washcloths
  • Hair toner
  1. The primary stage involves bleaching your hair. If you have colored your hair prior to this, remove it using a product made especially for this purpose. If your hair is already very damaged, use a volume 20 kit, but if it is not, then use a volume 30 kit. The bleach will have instructions on it, which you should follow while mixing it. After donning a pair of gloves, follow the instructions while applying the bleach to your hair. My advice is to start at the back of your head, as the hair there is darker, and work your way forward. It will be easiest to do if you partition your hair into '' sections, and bleach one section at a time. Once you are done, gather up all your hair and pile it on the top of your head. Ensuring that there are no tight clumps, put a shower cap on your head.
  2. If you were at a salon, you would be made to sit under a warmer, but taking into consideration that you are unlikely to have one at home, you can replicate the effect with a hair dryer. Use a blow dryer all over your hair, to keep the hair bleach warm. Keep this up for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse out your hair. Don't be perturbed if your hair is not as light as you'd like it to be.
  3. Repeat this process three to four times. By the third or fourth time, most people find their hair begins to break or fall. To minimize damage at this point, avoid brushing, combing, or any other kind of pressure on your hair and follow hair care tips.
  4. One is advised to give their hair a break for two to three days before continuing the process. If your hair is yellow or light orange at this time, you may have to cover it with a bandanna or a hat.
  5. A toner will help you banish any remaining shades (of red, orange or blue) in your hair. Apply it according to the instructions that come on the pack. After waiting for the said amount of time, rinse out your hair.
  6. At this point of time, your hair desperately requires deep conditioning to recover from the ordeal it has been through. Coat your hair with a thick layer of a deep conditioning mask. Put on another shower cap and once again provide heat for 15 minutes from a hair dryer. Wait of another 15 minutes and rinse.
  7. Continue to condition your hair daily, and ensure that you do not subject it to further processing (blow drying, flat ironing, styling products, etc.).
My hope is that this process will get you the white hair color you desire. While the process of hair coloring will damage your hair, with frequent conditioning, it should reclaim its healthy gleam in a few weeks!

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