Christmas Gag Gifts

You know how there's always the whole serious note put to the tradition of Christmas gifts? Like how they have to be really special and how they have to mean something? Well, yes, that is true, they do have to mean something, but also, you can put a little twist to the whole Christmas gifting tradition and no one will really mind. What's the harm in having a little harmless fun? No harm at all if you do it in the right spirit. So how are you going to give that twist to the gifting tradition? Perfect solution? Christmas gag gifts! And we don't even insist that you pull this one on every single person that you know, just the ones who are close enough and can take a joke. So it's done then, you're looking to have some fun this Christmas and bring in the joy with the slightly non-traditional approach. I'm guessing that you don't really have many ideas about the gag Christmas gifts that you can use? So to help you out the, here are some funny gag gifts to look into.

Christmas Gag Gift Ideas

You know you want to pull a fast one (a harmless fast one) with these gift ideas but you can't really think of what to give them. Here are some ideas that you can use. These really are the worst Christmas gifts to use.

Plastic Toy
My sister is really, really petrified of frogs. She completes abhors them. So one Christmas, I bought this really yucky, full of warts, red-tongued green plastic frog that made a sound when you pressed it and gift wrapped it in 2-3 sets of paper. She had to open about three layers of wrapping to get to the gift, heightening everyone's excitement and when she finally got to it, it was priceless! Of course, I immediately gave her the real gift. But it was one of the best Christmas gag gifts ever. You could do something like that as well. Find something that'll get someone's goat good and then watch the fun. Be careful who you pull this one on though.

Box in Box
This might have been done a number of times, but it still doesn't stop being funny! Here's how you make this one - take a minuscule box and put in a chit of paper that says 'I couldn't really find you anything, but you can feel free to use the boxes' or 'It's the thought that counts, really'. Now put this box in a bigger one and gift wrap it. Then that box goes into another and another and another, till your patience runs out. Then gift it to the person at a Christmas party so that everyone can have some fun.

Batteries Special
Here's a simple one that's ought to get them laughing. Buy two regular batteries and wrap them in a box, with a simple note that says 'Toy not included'. It's cheeky and so much fun to watch the reaction! Everyone there will love it.

Straw Hat
Here is an easy to make gift that is in the same league. Put in some straw or hay in an empty box and include a chit that says 'Contents - One straw hat (Needs to be assembled).

Poop Special
OK so this one is really yucky, so be very, very careful about who you use it on! And it might not be taken in the right spirit by most, so again, be careful. Take some dough and mold it to look like dog poop. Then color it a deep brown and put it in a box and gift wrap. The reaction is priceless for this really 'creative' Christmas gift. Seriously.

Stinkin' Donuts
This one is a mean, mean trick to play, but still fun. Get a donut 2-3 days before Christmas and gift wrap in a box, then place it under the Christmas tree. The reaction on getting a stinkin' donut is quite difficult to beat. You'll see.

And that is how you go about spreading some joy with these gag gifts. If you're up to it and do play it right, then you can come up with 12 days of Christmas gag gifts and have a very, very entertaining Christmas this year around. What do you think? Want to give it a shot?

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