Tips for Healthy Hair

Looking at the recent pictures of Jennifer Aniston or Angeline Jolie and one simply cannot stop eulogizing their shiny locks of hair. If you think, these Hollywood beauties are gifted and that it is just a matter of luck, then you need to rethink. Healthy locks of hair free from dandruff or split ends is something that can be easily achieved, if you know how to take good care of your hair. Knowing some tips for healthy hair growth is the secret to avoid hair dullness.

Daily head massage for 5-10 minutes is the simplest way to stimulate hair growth. Keep hair problems at bay by massaging the scalp daily with coconut oil. A scalp massage can play a very important role in strengthening your hair from root.

Maintain a Healthy Diet
Hair experts say that just an oil massage is not helpful for hair growth. A healthy diet rich in proteins (fish, egg, chicken and almonds) is also very essential for healthy glowing hair. You also need to reduce intake of refined and processed foods. Having plenty of dark green leafy vegetables and fruits indirectly, forms an important part of proper hair care.

Use Lukewarm Water
When it comes to rinsing hair, hot water is certainly not recommended. This is because, hot water can damage your hair and cause premature hair loss. In fact, hot water for rinsing hair is the primary reason behind baldness. Using lukewarm water when washing hair is recommended to prevent hair from damage.

Stop Overuse of Shampoo
Shampooing hair is no doubt good to grow thick hair but doing it every day can cause excessive hair loss. Shampooing the hair, twice or thrice a week is the ideal approach to maintain hair hygiene.

Choose your Hair Care Products Wisely
With so many shampoos flooding the market everyday, choosing one that suits your hair type is necessary to prevent hair from getting damaged. Shampoos containing herbal formulations are good to promote hair growth. Shampoos that have herbs like horsetail, birch oil or burdock root oil, are useful to restore the lost shine and luster in hair. Stay away from chemical based shampoos, as their usage may spoil your hair.

Have Plenty of Water
Insufficient water intake can make your hair dull and dry. To avoid these problems, increase water intake and make sure that you drink 6-8 glasses of water everyday. Also, have coffee and tea in moderate amounts, as excess intake of these beverages can cause dehydration.

Manage your Stress Levels
Stress is yet another factor that can stunt your hair growth. Getting stressed up under work pressures or from day-to-day routine is obvious, but managing stress is the key to avoid its ill effects. An age-old remedy to handle stress effectively is to practice yoga and meditation. Practicing these 'stress relief' techniques for 15-20 minutes is helpful to rejuvenate hair growth.

These hair care tips mentioned above provide some easy home remedies for hair regrowth. Implement the aforementioned tips and you will surely experience improved luster and shine on your hair.

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