House Cleaning Schedule Template

Maintaining hygiene in the house is an extremely important task that any family must undertake. The most effective way to carry out regular house cleaning is to prepare a house cleaning checklist, and make it a process to which all members of a family or the household must contribute on a daily basis. Professional house cleaning agencies often arm themselves with a schedule, checklists and charts, to efficiently work out all the cleaning duties and tasks within the best possible time period. However, these agencies also charge a lot, and by carrying out regular house cleaning, you can easily avoid these unnecessary expenses. All you need is some help on how to do what and when. This Buzzle article will equip you with just that.

House Cleaning Schedule Template

Here are three templates that will help you maintain your cleaning routine on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

NEW! These are ready-to-print templates. Simply click on each template to print it immediately.

Daily Cleaning Schedule Template
Do dishes
Wash sink and clean drain
Clean and dry counter
Clean food table
Dry table
Take out the trash
Pack leftovers and place in refrigerator
Fold blankets
Make the bed
Fluff pillows and arrange
Clear clutter off side tables
Dust furniture
Living Room
Clear clutter off all tabletops
Dust the furniture
Vacuum sofa cushions
Arrange sofa cushions
Stow away old newspapers
Wash and dry sink
Wash and dry bathtub
Clean drains
Switch off electrical appliances
Wash toilet with disinfectant
Mop and dry bathroom floor
Clean mirrors
Clean shower door
Empty wastebasket

Weekly Cleaning Schedule Template
Clean sink with disinfectant
Mop floor with disinfectant
Clean electrical appliances
Clear refrigerator of leftovers
Clean exhaust fan
Clean dishwasher
Sweep and vacuum carpet
Change bed linen
Wipe mirrors
Dust and wipe picture frames
Clean cabinet doors
Living Room
Sweep and vacuum carpet
Clear out week's newspapers
Spot clean display cabinets
Change throw pillow covers
Wash bathroom floor with disinfectant
Wash bathtub with disinfectant
Wipe all fixtures with wet cloth
Change bathroom linen
Dust and shake out mats/change mats

Monthly Cleaning Schedule Template
Spot clean cabinet and refrigerator doors
Defrost refrigerator and clear it out
Clear expired pantry items
Rearrange supplies in pantry
Spot clean closet and room doors
Wash and wipe windows
Change curtains
Wipe ceiling fans
Clean light and other fixtures
Clear cobwebs
Living Room
Wash and dry windows
Change curtains
Clean light and other fixtures
Clean door knobs
Sift and discard unnecessary mail
Scrub walls with disinfectant
Clean light fixtures
Polish water fixtures

You may also download and print these templates.
  • Daily Cleaning Schedule Template - PDF
  • Weekly Cleaning Schedule Template - PDF
  • Monthly Cleaning Schedule Template - PDF
Simply download and print these templates and you're good to go. Before you go on, read the few tips mentioned below. They'll help you get the hang of the cleaning routine better.

House Cleaning Tips and Ideas

While making a house cleaning schedule, you can divide the work into two sections, namely the rooms in which the cleaning has to be done, and the frequency with which it has to be done, i.e. daily, weekly or monthly. You can also classify the tasks that have to be completed on the basis of the rooms of your house. Keeping these points in mind we have prepared the above template that hopes to cover almost all the cleaning that there is. Now, let us see some pointers that will help you get through the seemingly arduous task of cleaning your house.
  • First things first, make sure you stick to the schedule. There's no point in making a fancy schedule if it's just going to be stuck on your refrigerator.
  • The point of the schedule is to ease your way into the cleaning process to make sure that bits get done everyday. This will avoid the need for a major 'cleanstorm' when you suddenly have guests or during the festive season.
  • Get the whole family involved in the cleaning process. Divide the chores according to the age and time spent by each member at home. Be fair in the division of chores, or you'll have a rebellion at hand.
  • Once the work is divided, it is each person's responsibility to make sure that the work gets done within the mentioned time frame. Defaulters can be given extra chores to make up.
  • When everyone does their work as it needs to be done, you'll see that all the cleaning will no longer be a tedious job that takes days to complete, it will be done in a jiffy, well almost.
Here's another house cleaning checklist that you can refer to, in case any item has been missed out in the ones given above. Follow a rigorous cleaning regimen and have a sparkling clean home!

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