Calories in Avocado

"...the avocado is a food without rival among the fruits, the veritable fruit of paradise." - David Fairchild.

Are you too thinking along my lines and slyly attributing the divine designation of avocado to its aphrodisiacal qualities with that naughty smile on your face? Then here are some avocado nutrition facts for you to know before I egg you on to try it! So let's talk avocado calories.

This dark green, almost black fruit, owes its still debatable aphrodisiacal reputation to the Mayan-Aztecs since 200 B.C. They referred to the pear-shaped avocado as the "testicle fruit" as it appears in pairs, and is in reality a powerhouse of nutrition.

Calories in Avocado
The following figures and facts are in accordance with an average sized avocado weighing approximately 5 oz. (142 grams).

  • Fats: With people of all ages freaking out about the fat content in every food item before every bite, you will be happy to know that avocado has no harmful Trans fat content at all. Though an average avocado contains 22.5 gms. of fats, it is mainly of the mono and polyunsaturated types which are healthy for the body and the cardiovascular functioning. So happily substitute it for harmful junk snacks!
  • Proteins: Proteins can be aptly called the "building blocks" of the body. Even the smallest of body cells contain protein. It is the primary repair and damage control component. Also, the body uses protein to generate most forms of internal secretions such as hormones and enzymes. An avocado caters to that need by providing 5 gms. of proteins.
  • Carbohydrates: This component primarily boosts energy levels, supports muscle tissues and of course contributes hugely to a healthy metabolic system. Avocado contains almost 15 gms. of carbohydrates to aid your metabolism.
  • Dietary Fiber: Mainly needed for bowel control, an average avocado comprises about 15 gms. of dietary fiber or roughage.
Finally, now that you have understood the basic avocado nutritional benefits, it is safe to declare that the calorie count in avocados is 250 on an average. Before re-panicking, understand that these calories are barely harmful to your body. Avocado calories have more to offer than to take away.

Other Avocado Nutrition Facts
  • Not less than 20 beneficial nutrients are provided to the body by an average avocado.
  • Avocados contain 20% vitaman C which in turn caters to almost 4% of the recommended Daily Value (D.V.).
  • One-fifth of an avocado provides 81 micrograms of lutein, a substance taking care of visual problems that occur with age.
  • According to Robyn Webb, M.S., ADA author and nutritionist, avocados are great for diabetics as diabetes patients are prone to heart complications. He explains, "Avocados are one of the best sources of monounsaturated fat, the fat known to lower artery-clogging LDL cholesterol and raise heart-healthy HDL cholesterol."
  • When consumed in lieu of saturated fats, avocados are healthy fillers and beneficial to dieters on low-calorie diets.
  • Avocados have no sodium, cholesterol or sugars in them.
  • Avocados help in gaining weight in a healthy way as they are high on mono and polyunsaturated fats.
Avocado Fun Facts
  • When the Spaniards ran into avocados, the adored fruit proved to be quite a tongue-twister for them. So they coined a pronounceable 'aguacate' from the original Aztec name 'ahuacatl'. The English derivation to 'avocado' sprang from it later.
  • Besides the Aztec 'testicle fruit', 'alligator pear' is another name given to avocados due to their course dark green skin.
  • It was Sir Henry Sloane who, in 1696, first introduced avocados to the domain of English Literature.
  • Researchers attribute the aphrodisiacal qualities of avocado to a component named bromocriptine, which in turn mixes with other body secretions and components that provoke the love-making desires in an individual.
So there you go! All you health conscious people can now enjoy the pleasurable benefits of the fruit. Despite all the avocado calories, happily knock yourself out! So when are you going the avocado way?

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