Food Allergy Rash

Mild skin rash as a reaction to food allergen is very common these days. Severe rash is relatively uncommon but other food intolerance symptoms like stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, nausea and vomiting are very common. When food containing an allergen is ingested, your body produces special type of antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE) which play an important role in exhibiting food allergy symptoms. Severity of the symptoms may vary from person to person. Let us take a look at common types of food allergies and common allergens that cause food allergy rash in children as well as adults.

Common Food Allergens

Lack of enzymes to digest the ingested proteins may result in adverse reaction by the body. Genetic factors and family history should be taken into consideration while determining the exact cause of food allergy. Here is a list of common allergens

  • Wheat products
  • Soy products
  • Fish
  • Shellfish, including clams, shrimp, lobster, snails and crab
  • Peanuts and tree nuts
  • Cow's milk
  • Milk products
  • Sulphites
  • Chicken's eggs
  • Sesame seeds or oil
It has been observed that milk allergy, hen's eggs allergy, wheat allergy and soybeans allergies fade over time. But generally, peanut, tree-nut, and seafood allergies detected in young age continue to exist in adulthood, they do not subside with time. Let us now take a look at different signs of a food allergy rash.

Rash from Food Allergy: Signs

Since skin rash can erupt due to myriad number of causes, it is necessary to find out whether the rash you are having, is a rash from food allergy. If you often experience skin rash after eating certain type of food, then you may undergo food allergy testing to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the treatment. Generally, a food allergen takes 1-2 days to exhibit symptoms like skin rash or stomach pain. Commonly observed signs of food allergy rash are:
  • Itchy or swollen lips
  • Reddened skin
  • Swelling in face, flushed face
  • Swollen hands or feet
  • Inflammation of skin all over the body
  • Itchy skin
  • Scratching may lead to thickening of skin
  • Red bumps on different parts of the body
  • Puffy eyes, swelling under eyes
  • Dry skin patches or discolored skin on face
  • Swollen tongue and throat
  • Hives
  • Itchy nose and eyes
  • Sneezing and a runny nose
Rash from Food Allergy: Treatment

As mentioned above, food allergies develop when certain type of food is consumed. So, you have to watch which food causes food allergy skin rash. For minor symptoms, you can try allergy testing at home. You can eliminate the suspected food from your diet for 15 days and then again include it in your diet. If you see the symptoms of food allergy rash on face or body then it can be confirmed that the suspected food is causing allergic reaction. If elimination procedure does not work, then you may opt for blood and skin tests as suggested by your doctor.

In case of baby food allergy rash, parents have to watch the food given to the baby, carefully. If one of the parents has certain type of food allergy, then the chances of baby suffering from food allergy are more. It is not true that the child will face the same allergy as the parents. Parents should take utmost care while introducing any new food to babies.

A food allergy rash cannot be cured. You are expected to find out the allergen and eliminate it from your food. Children may outgrow these allergies over time but till then, parents need to design the diet properly. To avoid the pain and discomfort caused by food allergy, they should read the labels carefully. Doctors usually prescribe antihistamines for allergy relief. You may have to take epinephrine injections in case of severe symptoms and so you must consult your doctor. Those diagnosed with severe allergic reactions should always carry prescribed medications and injections with them wherever they go.

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