Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

When there is a simple solution to cut costs, why do you wish to incur high expenses on purchasing 'high quality' dishwasher detergents, that claim to leave your dishes spotless but actually leave you disappointed? All you need to do is use a homemade dishwasher detergent, and end up with sparkling dishes. You may think that making a detergent yourself is a tedious, time-consuming process, and you'd rather just use your regular detergent. But before you make any assumptions, take a look at these simple methods on making your own dishwasher detergent, and at least give these solutions a chance.

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Powder

This detergent is also suitable even for hard water, and to clear all the problems that are caused by it.


  • Borax, found in the laundry section of any department store
  • Standard baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Citrus essential oil
  1. A good idea while making your own dishwasher detergent is to make a large amount and store for future use. Use a suitable container with a wide mouth to be able to access it with a scoop spoon easily.
  2. To make the detergent, combine equal parts of the baking soda and borax and mix it thoroughly.
  3. Add one drop of any citrus essential oil such as lemon or orange, for every 2 cups of dishwasher detergent. Mix it thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps. This is just to add a good fragrance to the detergent. It would be ideal if you used an edible essential oil as the detergent is washing dishes you are ultimately going to cook and eat in.
  4. Store this detergent in the container. Use 1 - 2 tbsp with every load. In case the dishes are very dirty, or the water is hard, use an extra tablespoon.
  5. Also, to take care of the hard water, and the etching it leaves behind on the dishes, add one-fourth to half a cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle. This will not only leave your dishes spot-free and sparkling, but will also clear all the collected residue in your dishwasher. With these dual functions, adding vinegar is a must.
Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Liquid

For those of you who prefer to work with a liquid detergent rather than a detergent powder, you can try out this method.

  • Natural, unscented liquid castile soap
  • Citrus essential oils
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar
  1. Depending on the amount of detergent you wish to make, take equal parts of castile soap and water. Shake this mixture thoroughly. Do not, under any circumstance, use a hand wash or any other liquid soap.
  2. For every cup of the above-mentioned liquid soap, add cup vinegar. Again, shake the mixture well.
  3. To cut the grease from the dishes and the dishwasher, use 1 tsp of lemon juice for every cup of the liquid detergent.
  4. Similar to the procedure for detergent powder, add only 1 drop of an edible, citrus essential oil to every cup of the detergent.
  5. Pour the concoction in an easy pour bottle, preferably with a spout. Always remember to shake the bottle well before using it.
  6. Again, vinegar is essential as a part of any dishwasher detergent and any dish washing cycle. For a large load you may use half a cup, and one-fourth cup for a smaller load during the rinse cycle. It eliminates the need for a rinsing aid.
A homemade dishwasher detergent not only is cost-effective, but also environment-friendly, as it is free of some harsh chemicals present in commercial detergents, that harm the environment, and is made with simple household ingredients. So do yourself and the environment a huge favor, by making and using some of these dishwasher detergents yourself.

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