Thigh Exercises with Exercise Ball

Exercise ball, also known as medicine ball, is constructed with soft elastic PVC. The exercise ball is available in diameters varying from 35 cm to 85 cm. The exercise ball is commonly used in athletic training, exercise regimes and physical therapy. When an exercise ball is used for performing exercises, our body uses more muscles. The reason for this is that the body has to balance the ball while performing the exercise. The exercises for the core body muscles like the abdominal muscles, back muscles and thigh muscles are designed with an exercise ball. The exercise ball workouts are very effective as compared to those without the exercise ball. Here are some of the thigh exercises with exercise ball.

Thigh Exercise Using Exercise Ball

Leg Curl
Lay back on an exercise mat with your feet flexed on the top of the exercise ball. Now keep the arms straight along the hips and your palms facing the ground. Then, tuck your pelvic part under and lift the hips from the floor. Use your hamstrings to lift you off the ground. Now, slowly retain the original position and roll back so that your hips touch the ground. This exercise focuses on the back of your thighs, as the stretch is felt there. Perform 15 reps of this exercise.

For performing lunges, keep your feet together and lift your exercise ball overhead. Start with your left leg and step forward. After stepping forward, bend both the legs so that a 90 degree angle is formed at the left knee. Again come in the starting position slowly. Now try the same exercise with the right leg. All the movements while doing this exercise, must be controlled and done slowly. This is because you can feel the stretch at the thighs and lower legs. Perform this exercise with 15 reps for a single leg.

Front Squats
Hold the exercise ball in front of you and your hands with your arms straight. Keep your feet slightly wider than the hips. Now perform forward squats by bending your knees and pressing down the hips.

Hip Abduction
Lay down on your right side with your body straight. Keep your left foot flat on the ground, but keep it behind your right thigh. Place the exercise ball on your inner thighs. Place your right leg straight and lift it above the floor and hold for 10 seconds. Perform 15 reps. Repeat this exercise on the left side also.

Exercise Ball Lift
Lay down on your right hand side with the exercise ball held between your feet. Bend your knees slightly and place your left hand on the floor for balancing the body. Now, lift both the legs above the ground. While you do this step, squeeze the ball in your inner thighs. Keep your legs in this position for 10 seconds. Perform 15 reps on the right side and 15 reps on the left side.

Advanced Squats
For advanced squats, keep your feet slightly apart from each other. Hold the ball in front of you. Bend your hips in the forward direction and align your hips and ankle with a squat. Then, touch the ball to the ground. Come back to original position and lift the exercise ball overhead.

These were some of the effective thigh exercises with exercise ball. There are many benefits of using an exercise ball for workout. The most important thing to remember is that all the exercises must be performed regularly.

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