Rowing Machine Exercises

Remaining fit in this fast paced lifestyle can be really difficult. Most of us hardly get any time to sleep, let alone exercise. So spending hours at the gym regularly is out of the question. Some people cannot afford health club expenses and they may not have enough space in their house for a home gym. A rowing machine can be a solution to all of your problems. A rowing machine can give you a very effective workout and is a great way to lose fat and tone your muscles. Rowing machine exercises will better your cardiovascular system and work all the core muscles simultaneously. In short, it will give you a complete workout. These exercises are pretty low impact and hardly ever cause injuries. On top of all this, a rowing machine will not cost you a bomb like other exercise equipment.

How to Exercise on a Rowing Machine

One of the most important benefits of a rowing machine is that it is very easy to use. Exercising on a it is similar to rowing a boat. You can also add your own variations to it. Here I will explain the proper way of performing a rowing stroke. The rowing machine workout comprises the following four steps.

Step 1
The first step in the rowing machine workout is just getting started properly. Seat yourself properly on the machine and strap your feet to the foot-straps and hold the handle with your palms facing down. Stretch out your hands in the direction of the flywheel. In this position, your wrists should be horizontal to the ground. Move your body ahead bringing your knees up and lean forward a bit.

Step 2
Push yourself backwards with your legs. While doing so keep your back tight and arms straight. As you are moving backwards you will reach a point when your legs are just about to become straight. At this point bring your hands into action, straightening your legs and bending backwards. The handle should now be close to your body.

Step 3
This is a continuation of your position at the end of the second step. Draw the handle into your abdomen. Straighten your legs and bend a little backwards. Hold this position for a few seconds before going to the next step.

Step 4
Now we have to return to the initial position. For that, extend your arms straight while loosening your hold on the handle which will start going back to its starting position. Bend forward and start moving down. Fold your legs and get back to the initial point. See that your position is exactly as it was initially, that is, with your wrists horizontal to the ground and your legs down from the knees vertical to the floor.

Important Tips

  • Do not bend your back too much in the last position.
  • Do not bend too forward in the initial position.
  • Do not pull the handle with a jerk.
  • Do not continue the exercise if you experience any pain in your lower back.
These rowing machine exercises should not be done without a warm-up. Also, if you have any problem with your knees or start having one after doing the rowing exercises for a few days, consult your doctor. Begin with a lesser number of repetitions. You won't burn more calories if you exercise for four hours non-stop. That will take away vital stuff from your body. And do not forget to follow a balanced diet with regular exercise.

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