Phosphates in Dishwasher Detergent

It is a common thing for us to make use of dishwasher detergents to clean our day-to-day utensils and kitchen ware. Now, if you check the labels properly, you will realize that almost all of them have phosphates as their main ingredients. Phosphates are compounds made up of phosphoric acid and salts which act on the greasy and oily stains of food items, and react with them in such a manner so that the awful stains come off the utensils. Because of this important function, phosphates have been used over and over by all detergent manufacturing companies, to make their products worthy. However, as one cannot overlook the pollution created due to excessive use of such detergents, many states and cities have banned the use of phosphates in dishwasher detergents. So let us get an insight of what the whole scenario is all about.

Initially, the use of phosphates was not illegal. Phosphates were used in detergents mainly because they are the best in removing stains and giving cleaner utensils which we would want to use again and again. With the aid of a detergent, a dishwasher is able to do that efficiently, and well, these dishwasher detergents have been approved by the government for commercial use for many years now. However, the use has been beyond anyone's imagination! Never did anyone know that it could pollute the water bodies and pond ecosystem in such a manner, at that point of time!

Phosphate is a chemical after all and though useful, it is not good when present in excess amounts. The cycle goes like this. Used water goes in the local water bodies releasing the phosphates in the water. Now phosphates are excellent for algae growth and the growth is in the form of a film. If you check the number of streams, rivers or lakes nearby and notice a thin film on the surface, that water has been polluted by the phosphates. This indirectly deteriorates the growth of fish and plants residing inside the water mainly because the sunlight is hampered and the dissolved oxygen is used up by the algae growth itself, sparing very less amounts for the other aquatic biota. Excessive use of phosphates has led to what can be called the algal bloom and thus the whole issue of debate has come into picture.

Due to this, detergent companies are coming up with phosphate free dishwasher detergents however, they have not been as useful as the ones with phosphates. And there is no way to convince masses, since they go for the products that work and do the needful! So, the result; well, there are many who still prefer the phosphate dishwasher detergents, while others who use no phosphates are still very small in number. There have been many cities all over who have banned the use of phosphates and thus people have to follow the rules. But an alternative would be to use a homemade dishwasher detergent.

Considering that phosphates are ruining the water ecosystem causing tremendous water pollution, not using them is a better option. However, there is extensive research going on, so we can hope for an alternative which would work well for one and all.

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