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Food Allergies in Children
An allergy is basically a person's immune system mistakenly identifying a specific food or a substance in food, as a harmful substance. When this happens, the body's respond to release antibodies known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, to fight the culprit food or food substance (the allergen). Subsequently, every time a person eats that food, the IgE antibodies are alerted and they communicate with the immune system to release a chemical called histamine, as well as other chemicals, into the bloodstream. It is these chemicals that cause dripping nose, itchy eyes, dry throat, rashes and hives, nausea, diarrhea, labored breathing, and even anaphylactic shock.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 3 million children under the age of 18 in the US, had either a food or digestive allergy in the preceding 12 months, in the year 2007. Another concern is that children with food allergies are more likely to have other related conditions, like asthma and other allergies, in comparison to children.
A common reaction experienced upon consuming a food that one is allergic to is stomach pain, itchy or swollen lips, or diarrhea. A comforting fact is that many children outgrow their allergies. According to the information provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the following foods are usually the ones children are allergic to:
- Shellfish, including clams, shrimp, lobster, snails and crab
- Fish
- Eggs
- Peanuts and tree nuts
- Milk products
- Wheat products
- Soy products
A milk allergy is one of the most common allergies in children as well as adults. It affects about 2.5 percent of all infants. While cow's milk is used most widely, children with this allergy are likely to react to other milk products, such as goat and sheep milk. The major proteins, casein and whey, contained in milk, are usually the elements the body reacts to. Another problematic part of milk, lactose, causes a different kind of reaction, termed a food intolerance. Formulas using hydrolyzed proteins may be used for infants who are allergic to cow's milk.
The statistics say that 85% of children will outgrow milk allergy by age five. However, it increases the chance of a child becoming allergic to beef or developing other food and nasal allergies.
Another very common allergy caused due to egg, affects approximately 2.5 percent of young children. Reactions may take place to the white, yolk, or both. A large number of children outgrow this allergy by the age of five; however, they face a greater risk of developing nasal allergies and asthma.
A word of caution to all parents, if your child has an egg allergy, he must not be administered the influenza vaccine.
An allergy to soy will mean, that a child will react to it in all its numerous forms and products. On an average, about 0.3 percent of children suffer from it. Luckily, reactions are usually mild, and children are likely to outgrow it in early childhood.
Wheat allergy, is another immune system response that children commonly outgrow in early childhood. They are also not likely to develop allergies to other cereal grains such as rice, oat and barley.
One of the most commonly occurring immune allergies, about 0.6 percent of all people are affected by it. Reactions to consuming peanuts are usually severe, and sometimes may cause life-threatening allergic reactions, especially in children with asthma. As it is a widely seen allergy in adulthood, only few children outgrow it.
As it brings on such strong reactions, it is advisable for children with this allergy to wear a medical alert bracelet, and carry an injectable epinephrine.
Tree Nut
An immune system response, to Tree nuts take place in approximately 0.5 percent of all people. Children are less likely to outgrow it in comparison to other allergens, and reactions to it can be severe. Chances of a child being allergic to other types of tree nut are also heightened.
The main irritants among seafood are both fish and shellfish. These reactions can also be severe and potentially life-threatening. While these two foods aren't related, they are usually stored together. Children are less likely to outgrow it.
Certain foods bring on a severe reaction with life-threatening symptoms. It is called anaphylaxis, and manifests in the form of constriction and tightening of airways, shock, accompanied by a drastic drop in blood pressure, followed by a rapid pulse, dizziness, lightheadedness, and can eventually lead to loss of consciousness. In these circumstances, emergency treatment is required to preserve the persons life.
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