Food Poisoning in Children

Eating is the most basic need of human life, but sometimes the same food that we eat can make us sick. Food poisoning is the general term arising out of eating contaminated food. It is caused by the action of bacteria, virus and toxins, present in the food or in the environment. The usual sources of food poisoning are green vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, seafood and others raw foods.

Children take the least care while eating, and tend to consume a lot of undesirable food. They are most vulnerable, as they have a weak immune system. Parents are not always around to make sure that they follow the right food safety habit. Children tend to eat junk food in school, due to the appealing and mouth-watering aroma, and the attractive way these foods are showcased tend to entice school children. The coming up of supermarkets and departmental stores have led to an increase in the quality of food supply, but people are still careless in the way they consume food. As a result, food poisoning occurs. Children suffer most on account of their weak immune system and unhealthy food habits. Some of the most common types of food poisoning in children are:

Botulism: It is caused by Clostridium botulinum, a group of anaerobic bacteria, present in the stool of human beings and animals. Food borne botulism is found in raw vegetables, meats preserved at home, canned foods such as corn, green beans, peas etc. and honey. Infant botulism occurs after honey infected by this bacteria which is found in dust and dirt is ingested. It primarily affects infants between the age of 3 weeks and 6 months, but they're susceptible to the bacteria, till they reach their first birthdays.

Campylobacteriosis: This is one of the most common food-borne illnesses and is caused by Campylobacter jejuni, bacteria found in the stool of poultry and other farm animals. It is transmitted after consuming contaminated meat, water and unpasteurized milk. Children under the age of five and young adults are mostly affected.

Escherichia coli: Commonly known as E.coli O157:H7, it is found in the stool of human beings and animals. People get infected after consuming food derived from cows such as raw milk, rare ground beef and fruits or vegetables that are contaminated. Children get infected after consuming food that contains beef such as burgers, sandwiches, steak, etc.

Salmonellosis: This is a type of food poisoning caused by salmonella, which is found in eggs, poultry food, dairy products, meats, fish, shrimp, and other food products. It is transmitted after consuming raw or uncooked eggs, meat, unpasteurized milk and contaminated fruit juices. It is severe for people with low immune systems, particularly children and old people. Those with a compromised immune system are also affected.

Staph: It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus and results in skin infections such as impetigo, boils and pimples in children. The bacteria is found in the air, dust and sewage. It is transmitted through direct human contact and also by inhaling the infected air. Staph food poisoning is caused by improper handling of food and also by open storage of food at room temperature.

Shigellosis: It is caused by shigella, bacteria that releases a toxin that affects the small intestine. It occurs as a result of drinking contaminated water, living in crowded conditions and poor sanitation. It causes neurological disorders in malnourished children. It affects children of the age group of 2 to 3 years, as they are not toilet-trained thoroughly and tend to be careless in their toiletries.

Mushrooms: Some mushrooms may cause food poisoning because they contain toxins which are harmful for human consumption. This type of food poisoning usually leads to stomach pain, vision difficulty, heart problems, kidney failure and also causes deterioration of the liver tissue. Children are the worst-effected because of their weak immune system. It can lead to death, if not treated at the earliest.

Solanine: It is a glycoalkaloid found in the skin and sprouts of potatoes. It is also found in green tomatoes, eggplant and the fruits of bittersweet nightshade plant. It can be life -threatening for a malnourished child, if medical help is not provided.

Fish Poisoning: It is caused by toxins, such as ciguatoxins, histamines etc. It usually causes allergy-like symptoms such as sweating, hives, itching, nausea and vomiting. Children should be warned about the type of fish that are harmful for human consumption.

Shellfish Poisoning: It is caused by neurotoxins, produced by some of the shellfish that is poisonous for human consumption. They usually cause paralysis and nerve-related diseases.

Norwalk: This virus is a calicivirus that causes acute gastrointestinal infection. It is transmitted directly by touching, and indirectly, by consuming contaminated water and food. It is found in salads, shellfish and also in contaminated sandwiches, cookies and ice foods.

Toxoplasmosis: It is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan, found mostly in uncooked meat. It is also transmitted through direct contact with cats.

The symptoms of food poisoning vary according to the type and the quantity of the toxic food consumed. Food poisoning usually takes place within the first 24 hours, as these toxins react very fast. The symptoms change rapidly; they may either worsen or may improve. If the condition of the child worsens, it is always advisable to seek medical help at the earliest.

Children should be warned against consuming foods, such as mushroom and seafood, which may cause food poisoning. Precaution should always be taken, while preparing food. Food should be well-cleaned and well-cooked. Food poisoning can only be prevented by inculcating the right food habits in children.

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