Tips to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally

To stimulate hair growth in women, most prefer to do it naturally because it is safe and not very expensive too. We opt for those process that does not involve the use of any chemicals as they can have some harmful effects on our hair. When you are looking for hair growth, both in terms of volume as well as length, you have to ensure that the scalp is well taken care of so that the hair roots are strengthened.

Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally

Dry and undernourished hair takes a lot of time to grow. Therefore, it is essential that your hair is healthy in order to grow faster. Here we have given you some tips for hair care that will keep your hair healthy and stimulate hair growth.

Scalp Massage: A regular scalp massage is very helpful for stimulating hair growth. This is because it promotes supply of blood to the scalp which in turn will provide useful nutrients to the hair follicles and facilitates hair growth. Massage your scalp gently with your fingers in circular motions for a minute or two a number of times throughout the day. Read more on hair growth tips and tricks.

Hair Brushing: Traditionally, it was believed that brushing of hair stimulate hair growth. However, now hair experts opine that it is not good for all types of hair. If you have a dry hair then brushing the hair will help to release the scalp oils that will have a hydrating effect on the scalp and hair and promote hair growth. However, in oily hair brushing should be avoided as they will tend to make the hair more greasy which will attract a lot of dirt. If you are an African American woman you should not brush your hair as the brushes can lead to hair loss.

Conditioning: Proper oiling of the hair helps to give a deep conditioning to the hair and prevents dandruff as well. Hot oil treatment is the best option because the oil when hot penetration into the hair well and make them soft and shiny. Thus the problems like split ends can be prevented. You can use any vegetable oil like olive oil or corn oil. Heat the oil and mix a few drops of rosemary oil into it. Dampen your hair and apply the oils into the hair starting from the roots up to the ends. Then take a towel and dip it into warm water and squeeze out the excess of water from the towel. Then wrap it over the oiled hair for an hour. Once hair conditioning is done, shampoo your hair.

Shampooing: If the scalp becomes dirty, then the pores of the scalp get clogged up and stop the natural growth of the hair. Therefore regular shampooing of the hair is a must to stimulate hair growth. However, you should avoid any such shampoos that contain harsh chemicals as they tend to dry out the hair. Therefore, an ideal stimulate hair growth shampoo is the one which contain natural ingredients like herbs and essential oils that facilitate hair growth.

Just external treatments to stimulate hair growth are not enough. You have to maintain a healthy diet to keep yourself well nourished internally. Moreover, vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin B and vitamin C are essential to stimulate hair growth. Therefore, regular intake of these vitamins will also help in stimulating hair growth. You also have to stay stress free in order to help the hair follicles function normally. If your hair get damaged at the ends they should be trimmed regularly to stimulate hair growth. This is because damage hair takes longer time to grow than the healthy hair.

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