Hair Breakage Causes

'I think I'm losing hair'

'Do you think I'm getting bald?'

'I swear there was more hair on this side of the head yesterday!'

Identify with any of these laments? I'm sure most of us do. Sometime or the other, somewhere or the other, we've all stood in front of the mirror and studied our reflection for signs of hair breakage. And it has always crept up on us, this hair breakage revelation. And then we've pondered over what the causes of hair breakage are, what we did wrong, did we sleep in a particular way or was it the new shampoo that we started using. Then we wonder what is causing hair loss and why didn't we know of it earlier? For all of you out there, here's some relief - this article will tell you all about hair breakage causes and how to correct the same. So stop pulling your hair out people and read the following article for some solutions.

Causes of Hair Breakage

What causes hair breakage in the first place? Why do some start losing hair as early as the 20s, while many others may have thick lustrous hair till their mid 40s or even longer? There are several reasons why this could happen.

Hair loss is a given when it comes to the aging process. Just as we get older, we lose our hair as well. But there might be genetics involved in this one. Some males have 'baldness' in their families. Meaning that if your mother's father was bald, there are chances that you will be bald too (The hair gene is passed on from the mother, so it is your maternal grandfather and not your paternal grandfather.) This is called male pattern baldness or propecia, and affects a large section of society. Although very rare in females, yet there are cases of female baldness as well. And even though it might not cause baldness in females, it could definitely lead to thinning of hair and hair breakage.

Unhealthy Diet
The diet that we follow not only affects our body but is also responsible for the health of our hair. Consuming foods that do not lead to nutrition in the body, as well as not maintaining a healthy diet will have adverse effects on hair growth. So also having fatty, oily, spicy and processed food will cause a lot of damage to the hair and lead to hair breakage.

Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes can be one of the main hair breakage causes. The production of hormones in the right balance is absolutely necessary. An excess or deficit of hormonal production, or sudden changes in the body which lead to a hormonal imbalance can cause hair breakage. Many women experience hair breakage during and after their pregnancies because of the excess production of hormones.

Scalp Health
Scalp health (the lack of it, that is) is one of the main reasons for why hair breakage can occur. Poor circulation of blood to the scalp and excess production of sebum which leads to the clogging of pores will lead to hair breakage.

Hair Treatments
Going in for a lot of hair treatments like coloring, hair straightening, perming and ironing as well as using harmful chemicals for the hair can cause hair breakage.

Life Changes
Stress, anxiety and tensions caused due to a number of reasons can lead to changes in the body and lead to hair breakage.

There are certain skin diseases and skin disorders that lead to hair breakage. These diseases can include scleroderma, lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus or other autoimmune disorders which lead to loss of hair in patches.

Environmental Factors
External factors like pollution, over exposure to the sun and other such factors can lead to hair breakage as well.

Other Factors

  • Using hair care products that do not complement your hair.
  • Tying your hair too tight can harm the hair by cutting out circulation and making it stretch out, thus making it brittle and leading to hair breakage.
  • Handling your hair roughly - combing it with vigor when wet, using a nylon bristled comb, not taking care when disentangling the hair. All these lead to hair loss. Learn how to comb your hair the proper way.
  • Not conditioning your hair properly.
How to Stop Hair Breakage

Here are some pointers on how to stop hair breakage and prevent it from happening.
  • Find out your hair type and use hair products that are meant specifically for your hair type.
  • Have a healthy diet that includes Vitamin E, iron, copper, zinc, vitamin B, whole grain cereal, green leafy vegetables.
  • Condition your hair well after each wash and include a leave in conditioner into your hair wash regime as well.
  • Do not go in for extensive hair treatments. Limit it to a minimum.
  • Exercise and practice meditation techniques to get rid of the stress in your life.
  • Make hair care a part of your regular routine. This includes oiling, deep conditioning and basically helping your hair bounce back. So visiting spas for hair treatment is essential.
These were some of the main hair breakage causes. Now that you know what they are and how to deal with them, start being good to your hair and taking care of it better!

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