Is it Safe to Dye Your Hair While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is the best time in the life of a woman; she is about to bring a new life in this world and she is also on the way to be a mother, probably for the first time. However, when a woman is pregnant, she has to be extra careful specially during the first few months. Pregnant women are advised to stay away from any harmful chemicals, which might not only harm them, but they might also be harmful for the baby inside them and sometimes, this cautious behavior might even extend to their daily beauty regimes. Be it the shampoo that you use or the perfume or the creams, or even the hair dye, you have to extra careful about everything. There are women who often ask the question, 'is it safe to dye your hair while pregnant?' well, some usually says 'yes' while some says 'no' and of course women tends to get confused. The article here will give you all the information that will surely clear your doubt.

Hair Dye During Pregnancy: Effect

In order to answer your question 'is it safe to dye your hair while pregnant?', let us first try and understand what is the effect of hair dye on a pregnant woman and also the fetus that she is carrying inside her. Researchers have pointed out that when a person dyes his/her hair, a small amount of the dye sometimes penetrates the skin, but there is nothing to worry about because this does not pose much harm to the baby inside.

Some other researchers have also said that dyeing your hair at the time of pregnancy, can often lead to cancer in the newborn baby. However there is nothing to worry about much because other researchers do not quite agree with this statement. A pregnant woman can dye her hair, but it is best that she does so after the third trimester because, during that period, the fetus inside is undergoing several neurological developments. Once this period is over, you can safely dye your hair.

Hair During Pregnancy: Tips

Just because you are pregnant, it does not mean that you stop taking care of your looks. If you have been coloring your hair before you were pregnant, you can safely continue with it even when you are pregnant, but of course, with the permission of your doctor and also keeping certain tips in mind. These tips will solve all your problems of whether hair dye and pregnancy goes hand in hand or not.

  • The first tip that you need to keep in mind and that has already been mentioned above is that, it is best that you start dyeing your hair after the second or the third trimester.
  • Use products that uses less chemicals. Since the chemicals might give out a fume which, if inhaled might harm the woman, make sure that the windows are open and that there is proper ventilation.
  • Wear gloves when dyeing your hair otherwise the chemicals might get penetrate through the skin of your hand.
  • Use natural hair color like Henna for hair coloring, which does not contain any chemicals and they have been proved safe, hundreds of years back.
  • As much as possible, avoid getting color on your scalp. Use can apply olive oil just around your hairline as well as on your ears in order to prevent the dye from penetrating your skin.
  • Before dyeing your whole hair, it is best that you try out a strand test first, no matter how many times you have used the product before.
  • As far as possible, use temporary colors as they are non toxic, hence they are not as harmful as the permanent ones.
  • If you have got your hair colored in a salon, then give around 8 to 9 weeks time before you go for the next sitting. Larger the gap, lesser the exposure to the harmful fumes.
  • Do not leave the dye on for a long time and when you wash it, make sure that you wash your scalp really well and that you do not leave a single trace of the dye, specially on the scalp.
This now answers your question, 'is it safe to dye your hair while pregnant'. The tips given above are definitely helpful when it comes to applying hair dye colors during pregnancy, but to be on the safe side, it's always best that you ask your doctor about dyeing your hair and follow what they say.

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