Low Calorie Drinks to Order at a Bar

The weekend is fast approaching and you definitely need a much deserved break from the entire week's work which you have been doing. One of the best ways to let your hair down and have a great time is to head out to your favorite bar and have some great drinks. Although it's fun, most of us don't realize the excessive calories that these drinks bring in our system. Already we are stuck in deadlines which give us no time to exercise and then this inflow of calories, certainly not the best combination! Still, going out with friends and having a good time should not be considered as a diet. So to make sure you are not overloading yourself with calories, here are some low calorie drinks to order at a bar.

Low Calorie Drinks to Order

You might love your long island ice tea, a big glass of margarita and neat whiskey. What you don't know is that the excess calories and sugars that these drinks carry will damage your system by increasing the sugar and calorie content. Not many of us know about low calorie drinks but it's not that they don't exist. Here are some low calorie mixed drinks which you can order.

Light Beer
Most men and women can't live without beer. Most of us finish of more than 6 bottles when we are in a good mood and we know that it's very fattening. A tried and tested rule, make sure you opt for light beer. Light beers are light in color and calories. The best options for trying are Michelob and Miller Lite. Sure the taste will not be like the regular beers but a determined person has to make some hard choices.

This is one of the best low calorie drinks you can get in the bar. The national drink of Cuba is still a favorite among many men and women. The drink contains only 160 calories and is made from 2 tsp of sugar, 3 tbsp of fresh lime juice, 1.5 oz of light rum and some club soda. Use a tall and thin glass to make this drink. Add crushed mint leaves in the glass first. Now add the sugar and lime juice, mix well. Add some ice cubes, rum and club soda. Now decorate the glass with a lime slice and your delicious mojito is ready.

Caipirssima is an excellent low calorie drink with rum. To make this drink you need 1 ounce of Oronoco rum, 5 lime wedges, 1 tbsp of sugar, 3 ounces of fresh lime juice and some crushed ice. Start preparing by taking a shaker and muddle 4 lime wedges and sugar. On that add Oronoco, lime juice and ice. Shake well. Pour out the drink in a martini glass.

Bloody Mary
By drinking a glass of Bloody Mary, you only consume 150 calories. It's one of the best low calorie drinks and remains a favorite among health freaks. It's made by mixing 1 oz vodka, 2 drops of Worcestershire, 2 drops of Tabasco, oz of lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. You just have to add all these ingredients in a bucket glass which is filled with ice and its ready. Garnish the drink with lime juice.

Gin and Tonic
If you are following a diet plan, I'm sure a glass of gin and tonic will cause no harm. This drink is often made by mixing 1 oz gin and 3 oz tonic. If you want to make this drink even more beneficial, use diet tonic instead of regular.

Vodka and Diet Red Bull
If you make this drink from sugar free red bull, I am pretty sure you are saving yourself from a lot of calories.

We cannot do anything about fried and processed foods but we can surely save ourselves from calories by opting for low calorie drinks. There are many more options such as low calorie wine, rum and diet coke, rum runner, watermelon martini, and white wine spritzer.

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