Jump Rope Workout Routine

A jump rope, also known as a skipping rope or skip rope, is the only equipment used to play the game of skip. The jump rope is the oldest exercise tool used in the world. Its use can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian and Chinese civilizations, where they used vines and twigs to make long strands on ropes. However, they didn't skip with them but used them to tie things. As life progressed and man became more fitness conscious, and children got more creative about the games they could play, jump rope became a major fitness and fun tool to have. Part of fitness regimes, jump rope workouts have given excellent results to athletes and all those who like to stay fit.

Jump Rope Benefits

The major benefit of working out with a jump rope is that it burns up to 1000 calories per hour. The rope by itself is inexpensive and portable, so one never has to worry about missing out on a workout routine. Other benefits include; all upper and lower muscles groups develop in a lean and 'cut' fashion, and it is used as a strengthening warm up for athletes as it helps to maximizes their coordination, timing and endurance skills. Jump rope exercise do not require huge spaces, but can easily be performed in the backyard or even in the room.

Jump Rope Techniques

Before getting into the workout routine, we need to understand different jump rope techniques. I have listed some that we will be using in our workouts.

Double Jump Rope: The most common method of skipping rope, where one jumps with both feet simultaneously. Jump lightly using both feet as soon as the rope is brought down.

Single Jump Rope: As the name suggest, only one foot is skipped with alternately. Here one needs to raise the knees as high as possible, but land softly. A hard jump will stress the knees and heels.

Crisscross: Crisscross technique is meant for the seasoned skipper. Here when the rope goes over the head, cross the elbows over each other. The rope kind of overlaps while passing under your feet. Jump as you would for a normal skip. This skip requires fast feet movement and accuracy.

Double Leg Jump Rope: Follow the same technique as the single jump rope. The only difference here is that you raise both legs, bring them close to the knees and bring them down simultaneously and softly.

Run Skips: This is a fun way to skip, but here one needs space. This technique allows one to run and skip at the same time. Just run forward while jumping the rope. One can even try running backwards also. But be careful with the backward, you don't want to fall.

Fast Doubles: This one requires speed and accuracy. Here the rope should pass twice under your feet before you land back on the ground. Basically one needs to jump twice, and where possible jump higher bringing your knees close to chest.

Jump Rope Workout Program

For Beginners
For those who are starting on skipping rope for the first time, expect a little leg hurt. So, start gradually and limit the routine time to between 15 minutes to 40 minutes. After each workout, rest yourself for a minute, then star all over again. For the first week, repeat each routine for a couple of times, and then build up on it.

  • First Routine:
    • Double jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Single jump rope - 10 minutes
  • Second Routine:
    • Double jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Single jump rope - 15 minutes
    • Run Skips - 15 minutes
  • Third Routine:
    • Single jump rope - 20 minutes
    • Double Leg Jump Rope - 15 minutes
    • Run Skips - 25 minutes
For Experience Holders
Skipping rope as a part of your endurance workout regime will produce better results when combined with other exercises. Once an individual gets a good hand on different techniques of skipping, one can make their own workout routines as per individual requirement and ability.
  • First Routine:
    • Double jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Run Skips - 15 minutes
    • Double leg jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Crisscross - 10 minutes
  • Second Routine:
    • Single jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Run Skips - 15 minutes
    • Crisscross - 15 minutes
    • Fast doubles - 15 minutes
  • Third Routine:
    • Double jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Single jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Double leg jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Crisscross - 10 minutes
  • Fourth Routine:
    • Double jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Single jump rope - 15 minutes
    • Run Skips - 15 minutes
    • Double leg jump rope - 10 minutes
    • Fast doubles - 20 minutes
More techniques like a double dutch jump rope, double dutch under, windmill, helicopter, etc., can be included in the program to convert a normal workout into a fat burning workout. A few tips need to be kept in mind while performing these skips: always bounce lightly, work on even surface, wear good quality trainers, and ensure that you use a jump rope of a length appropriate to your height. Happy Skipping!

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