They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. While this adage may be true, it is a fact that long distance relationships require a little more effort from our sides, to keep the spark in the relationship alive. While couples residing in the same city can meet up regularly, go on dates, go for movies and hang out with each other, this is not always possible for couples in a long distance relationship, for the simple reason that they live far apart. However, this should not cause people who are in or going to be in long distance relationships, to lose heart.
The trick lies in staying in touch, and constantly reminding each other what a magical relationship you share! With the latest technology, this should not be much of a difficult task. However, when it comes to gifts for that special someone who is in another city, we tend to run out of ideas. This is because we want to gift the love of our life something that he's going to cherish forever, and not some run-of-the-mill stuff you find everywhere.

| Long Distance Relationship Gift Ideas for Him | 
In today's times, long distance relationships have become quite common because of the fact that more and more people are finding love online through social networking sites and dating portals. More often than not, the two people involved are from different cities or, in some cases, even from different countries. In such a scenario, they continue to keep in touch through e-mail or online messengers even after they have met up. However, exchanging gifts is an integral part of every relationship. Sending your loved one a special gift can go a long way in showing just how much you care. So, what goes into that perfect gift? What can you gift your man to make him feel really special? Well, here's the answer!

| Favorite Music |
| Every couple has their personal set of favorite songs which they love to listen to, together. When your loved one is away, a great way to remind him of the special moments spent together, is gifting him a collection of the songs you both love. This will ensure that you're on his mind whenever he listens to those numbers. |

| Jewelry With Messages |
| Before you start wondering what's jewelry got to do with him, let me tell you that here jewelry includes only bracelets and pendants. You can gift him bracelets with words such as, "Here I am, waiting for you" or "You're in my every dream", etc. Another great idea is to gift Mizpah pendants that come in pairs, which means you can keep one and gift the other. This will be a beautiful reminder of the lovely bond that you share! |

| Engraved Photograph |
| This is one of the classic long distance relationship gifts that you can gift your boyfriend. Select a photograph in which both of you have a big smile on your faces and look cheerful and very much in love. Now get this picture engraved in precious metals such as silver, gold or platinum. This can be an everlasting tribute to your togetherness and the wonderful relationship that you share. Also, this is one gift that is certainly going to be treasured forever! |

| Chocolaty Surprise |
| Who wouldn't agree that chocolate is the yummiest gift that one can ever receive? So, if your man digs on chocolates, then make it an excuse to send him some chocolaty surprise on his birthday or simply on any other day. He's sure going to love it and what's more, just love you for it! You have an array of ways to go chocolaty, including delicious, rich chocolate cakes, bouquets of chocolate roses (yes, you can eat them!), chocolate topped cookies, or simply a bar of sinful, dark chocolate. There are several websites that can help you with your endeavor. All you need to do is provide them with the particulars, such as the date of delivery, address and the occasion. |

| A Virtual Date |
| This is a cool idea to celebrate your togetherness even if you are far apart. However, it needs a little cooperation from your guy as well. After you have planned the needful, just discuss with him and decide on a time for your date. For example, you can both order pizzas or burgers from your favorite outlet. Now, on the very day, just switch on your computer, adjust your webcam and there you are! Enjoy the delicious fare as you both sit looking into each other's eyes (albeit virtually), lost in real love! Sheer bliss, isn't it? |

| A Love Letter |
| Now, what we mean here is not the letters you exchange on email everyday but a "real" love letter written by you with pen and paper! The rapid advancements in communication technology has practically pushed the good old letter, to extinction. However, nothing can beat the charm of a handwritten letter and the personal touch that it brings in. So, grab a pen and start putting your feelings on paper. This is something that is sure to touch your man's heart. |
So, now that you have an idea about long distance relationship gifts for him, go ahead and select a gift that will make his day. You can put in your own creative ideas to make the gift even more personal and hence, special. Since he means the world to you, don't let the distance spoil the joys of your beautiful relationship.