Brittle Hair in Children

Brittle hair looks very unattractive, lacks moisture, shine and strength. Brittle hair in children might affect their overall appearance. Brittle hair is the primary sign of extremely unhealthy hair. Usually the causes, in case of adults, include use of styling products, health problems, excess washing, etc. This issue can be mainly caused due to some hair shaft defects like Monilethrix or Pili Torti. It can also be caused due to ringworm, health conditions like Basan syndrome, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or hereditary traits. Also, malnutrition is a very common cause. Ignoring your kid's hair can make them damaged and brittle. This might further lead to hair loss. Wondering how to correct brittle hair? Here are some home remedies for brittle hair. Using these will ensure that your kid has healthy hair.

Care and Remedies

Moisturize: The most essential thing for dry brittle hair treatment is moisturizing them regularly. Keeping the hair well moisturized will help them become shiny and healthy. Apply oil regularly, give them a hot oil massage once or twice a week. You can also apply oil based creams specially formulated for kid's hair. Using hot olive oil or coconut oil for massage is one of the best home remedies for dry and brittle hair.

Protection: Environmental factors like harsh sun's rays, pollution, dust are harmful for hair. Remember to keep their hair covered with a sweat absorbing cap or scarf so that it is not exposed to sun's rays. Regularly washing their hair is essential as their activities might lead to lot of dust accumulation on their hair and scalp.

Wash: Do not use your shampoo for your kid's hair. This can be caused due to chemicals present in your hair care products. Use a kids' shampoo, which will be best for cleaning their hair without damaging them. Opt for the best brand to ensure the right care.

Brush: One of the important dry and brittle hair care tips is brushing your kid's hair very gently. Brittle hair is prone to breakage, so you must handle them with lot of care. Don't be fast and harsh. Brush their hair after they return from school or outdoor activities so as to remove any dust present in their hair. Also, do not use dryers on their hair. Let their hair dry naturally after patting them with a towel.

Hair Mask: Using egg white is one of the best remedies. Take egg white from one egg and mix 3 tbsp. of water to it. Apply this mix over your kid's hair properly and leave on for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with a kids' shampoo and let them dry naturally.

Diet: Make sure that your kid eats a healthy diet. Brittle hair is also caused due to malnutrition as mentioned above. Kids must eat all vegetables, fruits and nuts regularly. A healthy diet will ensure strong and healthy hair that shines and looks great.

Trim: Trim hair regularly along with following above mentioned hair care. Trimming will ensure that the split ends and weak hair are cut off, giving the hair a good look. Also, keeping their hair properly tied will help them stay tangle free hence, reducing hair loss due to breakage.

You must follow the above mentioned hair care for treating brittle hair in children. Even if your kid has good hair, you must follow this care to ensure that it is not damaged. Always give time for the kid's hair care, this will help its proper growth. So, let your kid's hair shine!

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