Thinning Hair Solutions

Due to several environmental, lifestyle and health factors, thinning hair is a common problem, and a big worry, faced by both, men and women. It is normal to lose about 50-100 hair strands a day. However, if you feel you are losing more, or have discovered certain bald patches on your scalp, you have a genuine cause for worry. You can test if your hair is thinning by gently tugging on about 15-20 strands of hair. If you lose more than 6 hair strands in this process, you may be facing a problem. However, hair loss and thinning hair have different treatment solutions.


The causes of thinning hair can be categorized under the following:

  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal changes
  • Poor blood circulation to the scalp
  • Severe case of dandruff
  • Harsh chemicals in hair products
  • Harsh treatment procedures such as chemotherapy
Thinning hair can also be the result of a condition called alopecia areata. This condition may begin with loss of hair, ultimately leading to baldness. To treat this condition, it is better to see a professional rather than undertake natural remedies at home.

Natural Remedies

A few changes in your lifestyle, along with some natural remedies, can go a long way in providing the right treatment for thinning hair.

Remedies from the Kitchen
With these ingredients found in your own kitchen, thinning hair solutions could not get any simpler. Ensure you continue these procedures until you notice significant changes in your hair's growth, and the reduction of bald patches. Natural remedies take longer time to work, but they also have a lasting effect as compared to other remedies.
  • Make a paste of 1tsp cinnamon powder, honey and heated olive oil. Apply it 15 minutes before a shower. Rinse it off thoroughly and follow the procedure with a mild shampoo.
  • Mix the gel of aloe vera and triphala powder and apply to the hair. You will have to be patient with this treatment as it will take about 3-6 months to show results.
  • Apply almond oil or coconut oil on the hair thoroughly. Make a paste of ground fenugreek seeds and water. Apply this paste on oiled scalp, and let it remain for one hour. Follow this procedure daily for one month.
  • Stimulate hair growth by boiling together 250g of mustard oil with 100g of henna leaves, and applying it on the scalp thrice a week.
  • To prevent hair from thinning, apply castor oil regularly. Another effective way is to apply the juice of coriander leaves, or coconut milk on the scalp, daily.
  • Combine one egg, two and half tablespoons milk powder, and 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Massage it on to the scalp and let it be on the scalp for say about 30 minutes. Wash it off using a mild shampoo.
  • On the bald patches, apply a paste of lemon seeds and black pepper thoroughly, and continue the process until you notice a significant change.
One of the most important hair thinning solutions is following the right diet, and the intake of certain foods and juices. Nutrition plays a very important role in enhancing hair growth, and also affects the quality of the hair, making it more thick and lustrous.
  • Consume daily, a juice made of fresh spinach, fresh coriander leaves, and alfalfa to attain quick hair growth.
  • For 2-3 weeks, drink 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar dissolved in 1 glass of water, with every meal.
  • Daily, drink a 500ml portion of the juice of lettuce and spinach to increase hair growth.
  • Drink a juice of lettuce, capsicum, carrots and alfalfa to regain the nutrients that contribute to good hair growth.
  • The intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids is good for thinning hair, and it should be consumed in the form of walnuts, flaxseed and fish such as salmon. You may even take fish oil supplements to treat this condition.
Other Simple Remedies
  • As mentioned before, one of the reasons for thinning hair is poor blood circulation to the scalp. In order to improve this, try to lie down at a slant for about 15-20 minutes daily. Also, a daily scalp massage, especially on the bald patches, will stimulate circulation and result in hair growth.
  • Another cause mentioned above is the use of harsh chemicals in shampoos and other hair products. It is important to identify the right products for your hair and scalp type. In such a case, mild shampoos are the safest way to keep your hair from thinning further. Try to use shampoos that contain natural ingredients and that have pH balanced formulas for effective hair care.
Before you have to resort to these solutions, it is better to follow a prevention method, by incorporating simple changes in your diet and general lifestyle, such as sleeping well, eating right, and avoiding unnecessary stress. After all, your hair is your crowning glory, and you wouldn't want to watch it fade away when you can easily take care of it with these methods.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.

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