Is Food Poisoning Contagious?

More than 10,000 cases of food poisoning are observed every year in the United States, which is not very surprising when you consider the food habits and lifestyle of today's generation. It is true that food poisoning is a common stomach condition but when it occurs, it is very distressing and causes a lot of pain and complications. Food poisoning happens due to the consumption of food which is stale, unhealthy or is infected with harmful bacteria and viruses. When people consume such unhealthy foods, the virus or parasite enters the body and starts causing various stomach complications which ultimately leads to food poisoning. It can also be caused due to infections caused by harmful agents present in the air or in the food and in this article we are going to learn whether this stomach disorder passes from one person to another.

Common Causes of Food Poisoning

This stomach infection is really a cause of big concern in the US and other countries. Millions of people all around the world get affected by food poisoning and some of them also get killed due to its various effects. There are more than 200 different infections which can cause food poisoning which is why it is always difficult to find out the root cause of it. Here are some of the most common types of food poisoning affecting people in large numbers.

Probably the best known cause of food poisoning, the salmonella bacterium causes gastro-enteritis in humans. Salmonella causes vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain and high fever. It mostly affects babies and kids or people who have a weak immune system. Even when the bacterium shows no symptoms it stays in the body and passes off the infection to other people. It is spread by hand to hand or mouth to mouth contact in unhygienic places. Salmonella is mainly found in meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

Another common cause of food poisoning found in humans is Campylobacter. This virus causes severe vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea and watery stools. This virus is also seen in pets and can easily spread to humans if they come in physical contact with an infected animal. Campylobacter is mainly found in raw milk, meat, poultry, water and in animals.

E. Coli
Escherichia Coli or E. Coli is bacteria that causes various stomach complications in people. The virus is dangerous and can cause bloody diarrhea, kidney failure or death in some cases. E. Coli is found mainly in the guts of cattle, so people who don't cook their meat properly are at higher chances of suffering from E. Coli. This bacteria can spread through hand and mouth contact from contaminated surroundings or water.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is a common viral infection which causes food poisoning. Hepatitis A causes fever, loss of appetite, dark stools and jaundice. It mainly affects humans who spend more time in contaminated surfaces and from people who have already been infected by the virus. Consuming contaminated or stale seafood may also cause hepatitis A which may lead to food poisoning. This infection is contagious and can spread through fecal oral route from person to person.

Bacillary Dysentery
Bacillary dysentery is an infection of the stomach and is caused by the bacteria called Shigella. The infection spreads with common signs like acute diarrhea with blood and mucus, this is accompanied by fever, nausea and cramps in the stomach. This illness is more severe in children than in adults. This infection can easily spread from one person to another with the help of contaminated food or water.

Is Food Poisoning Communicable: True or False

Yes, food poisoning is contagious but this factor also depends upon which type of food poisoning you are suffering from. The parasites, viruses and bacteria which cause indigestion and stomach pain are food borne and are considered to be a cause of food poisoning. Victims of food poisoning often suffer from frequent vomiting; this vomit is filled with viruses and bacteria and can easily infect other people through air. There are also certain types of food poisoning which are not contagious and they occur because food has been left out at room temperature.

So, we can now thus conclude that food poisoning is contagious, though is entirely dependent on the cause. Food poisoning is treated with the help of antibiotics which eliminate the virus and its symptoms totally from the body. If the patient is completely dehydrated from the disease, then hospitalization is advised to restore the fluid levels of the body.

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