Walking Shoes Vs. Running Shoes

If each person were to prepare his or her individual list of 'most incorrectly made purchases', I am dead sure that there would be one common item that would rank highly on most people's lists. Now what would that common item be, you may ask. Well, according to me, it would be nothing but 'shoes'; or to be more accurate, any of the following - walking shoes, running shoes and sneakers.

Buying the wrong kind of shoes is something that a large number of people regularly do, or have done. Using walking shoes for running and jogging or vice-versa, often results in the person developing heel pain, back pain or other leg or back-related injuries. This is the reason why you should be very particular and careful about choosing the right kind of shoe for your training activity. In the following sections of this article, we will have a look at the difference between walking shoes and running shoes. Reading it could help you in selecting the right shoes in future. If your requirement is that of a good, comfortable pair of walking shoes, how do you go about selecting the right kind? Will running shoes serve your purpose of walking as well? More importantly, how do decide between both? For your benefit, here are some points of differentiation.

The Difference
Here are some rather noticeable differences between the two kinds of shoes:

  • Traditionally, walking shoes are available in white (or in shades of white and pink in case of women's shoes). Running shoes and sneakers, on the other hand, are often seen in a multitude of flashy colors and mixed shades.
  • Running shoes typically have a high heel, as compared to a low or undercut heel in case of walking shoes. The reason for the undercut heel is that walkers typically land on their heels, and the undercut makes for better landing and stability.
  • Running shoes always have a higher amount of cushioning, as compared to a pair of walking shoes.
  • Running shoes have a much thicker sole as compared to walking shoes. Also, the sides of a running shoe are comparatively higher and stiffer than those of a walking shoe. This is done so as to ensure better ankle support and prevent ankle twists or sprains while landing.
How to Choose
Now that you know some of the differences between walking shoes and running shoes, how do you choose what type to buy? Well, these are some of the factors that you should consider while choosing a pair of shoes.
  • Any prior history of foot or leg related problems.
  • Your body weight and your walking or running technique.
  • The amount of pronation and supination involved in your walking technique.
  • Your foot type, i.e. whether you are flat footed, whether you have a high arch, etc.
These were some of the factors that you should consider while selecting a pair of shoes for walking or running. Additionally, here is a very simple rule which you can keep in mind and follow. Walkers are free to use either of the two shoe types, depending on personal choice, ease of use, and comfort. However, runners and joggers should always use only specially designed running shoes. To put it in a sentence, walkers may use running shoes, but the reverse does not apply.

This was a short overview of the many differences between both the kinds of shoes. Remember, always use the right kind of footwear regardless of what physical activity you pursue. It plays a vital role in preventing muscle pain in the legs and other leg related injuries. After all, prevention is better than cure!

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