Pronation and How to Choose Proper Running Shoes

One of the most common problems that runners face in the disruption of their running schedule or simply their enjoyment of the sport is injury due to improper footwear. For many, considerations regarding what type of running shoes to buy are unimportant, as they could seemingly run barefoot without risking injury. For others, the slightest "glitch" in their stride can cause a domino effect of injury and pain that can keep them off the track, trail or sidewalk for weeks.

In the early days of "jogging," little attention was paid to shoes, though as the sport took off in the 1980s and 1990s, and more and more individuals began taking up running as a primary means of exercise, the market for advanced running gear developed. While much of what one hears from shoe makers is marketing drivel, there are many important points to consider when selecting shoes and, in fact, there are many very real advances in running shoe technology that can help runners stay with their favorite athletic activity.

The primary consideration when selecting shoes relates to something called "pronation." This is, quite simply, the rotation of the foot through the stride. To illustrate, a runner's stride includes the striking of the foot on the ground, followed by a "roll" through the foot's contact with the ground. The foot-strike will naturally involve the outside of the heel first making contact with the ground, from which point the foot will roll inward - roughly 15% with "neutral" pronation - before the toes are the last part of the foot to leave the ground, and do so in an "even" manner. Pronation is natural, and a direct biological means to absorb the shock of taking an aggressive step forward, as runners do with each stride they take. Problems can arise for runners, however, when they overpronate or underpronate. We'll discuss each of these problems below.


Overpronators land on the outside of the heal but then their foot will exhibit an exaggerated roll inward, in excess of the ideal 15%. The result is less efficient shock absorption, a problem that can lead to injury, including pain in the big toe, which is forced to exert more effort in the overpronating cycle, and to the ankles, calves, knees, hips and back as they try to compensate for the poor stability that results from overpronation. In addition, plantar fasciitis is a common, and painful, problem associated with overpronation as is iliotibial band syndrome, which exhibits with pain in the lateral side of the knee.

One sure sign of overpronation will be running shoes that wear down more quickly on the medial (inside) side of the shoe near the front, or toe area. Those who overpronate are best served by choosing running or walking shoes that have increased support in the arch and inside sole of the shoe. This is also sometimes referred to as "motion control" and is something that a runner can look for if facing overpronation problems.

Underpronation (Supination)

Underpronation also involves the foot striking the ground on the outside of the heal, but then follows with an inadequate rolling of the foot, resulting in the runner pushing off from the outside, smaller toes to a greater extent than that which is ideal. As with overpronation, this results in an inefficient absorption of shock and can also lead to injuries. A clear sign of supination is a shoe that is worn down on the lateral (outside) side of the shoe near the front, or toe area. For those seeking to choose shoes that minimize the negative effects of underpronation, those designed for "normal" pronation but with enhanced cushioning. Running shoes for underpronators will promote a more natural pronation as well as aiding with shock absorption.

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