Frizzy Hair Treatment

Frizzy hair is a problem for many, as the hair is not easily manageable. Major cause for this problem is a lack of moisture. Dry and damaged hair cannot retain moisture and as a result, it becomes curly and frizzy. Excessive use of commercial hair products or blow-dryers, perming, bleaching or coloring one's hair are other contributory factors. Those who don't follow a proper hair care regimen may experience hair problems such as split ends and breakage of hair follicles.

How to Tackle the Problem of Frizzy Hair

Hair that often becomes dry and frizzy definitely needs nourishment to become gentle and soft. First of all, you need to look for products that contain humectants. These are the substances that have the capability of attracting moisture. Humectants work well with natural oils and moisturize your hair. Needless to say, people who have dry hair need to provide more nourishment to their hair. Select shampoos that contain corn and wheat proteins, as these shampoos help to improve the porosity and elasticity of the hair. These shampoos help to repair the dry and damaged hair follicles and add smoothness to your hair. If you are staying in a hot region, use products that provide protection from the harmful UV rays.

Do not put shampoo on a regular basis, as this adds more dryness to your hair. Use a mild shampoo for your hair, which can be used twice to thrice in a week. Check the ingredients present in the shampoo, before buying. Components like alcohol, lithium hydroxide and sodium are not good for hair that is frizzy. After shampooing your hair with lukewarm water, you can apply conditioners containing aloe vera, panthenol and vitamin E. Wrap your hair with a towel lightly, but do not rub, as friction caused due to rubbing of the towel damages the hair. Untangle the hair with your hands slowly for releasing the knots. Do not comb your hair very often, as that makes your hair dry and wavy. A massage of warm coconut oil, once in a week will also help.

Do trim your hair once in two months. You can use styling products for your hair but ensure, these are free from high alcohol content. Apply warm olive oil evenly on your scalp, once a week. Equal proportion of apple cider vinegar and water, when applied to the hair after conditioning makes the hair soft and shiny. Another frizzy hair treatment is to apply a mixture of mayonnaise and an egg and leave it over the hair for 20-30 minutes. Then, wash your hair properly with cold water. If it helps, then start applying once a week.

Besides following the aforementioned remedies, have fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water so as to flush out the toxins.

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