Female Bodybuilding Tips

Popularity of bodybuilding among women have increased manifold in recent years. Although previously, bodybuilding was considered to be a man's domain, women today do not hesitate to enroll in a bodybuilding program. When it comes to female bodybuilding, it is often said, that women should focus more on developing their upper body as they have naturally strong legs. Here are some proven female bodybuilding tips that can help you to put on muscles without compromising on your health.


Simple bodybuilding exercises for women are similar to those recommended for men. However, women need to concentrate more on those exercises that increase the upper body strength. Strength training exercises such as the use of dumbbells or push ups, help build up muscles. Weight training exercises strengthen the muscles whereas cardiovascular exercises help you lose excess fat.


There are a number of bodybuilding supplements for women that do not cause any side effects and are safe and suitable for women. One such popular supplement is creatine monohydrate, that has tremendous nutritional value. Calcium body supplements designed for women, keep their bones healthy and strong. Maintaining the strength and stability of bones is extremely beneficial when it comes to bodybuilding. Even vitamin B body supplements are very useful to the body as they positively affect the skin, hair and the eyes. These supplements accelerate the metabolism of the proteins, carbs and fats. Protein bodybuilding supplements are available in powder form and can be easily mixed with a shake or a drink to promote health and fitness. These supplements allow your muscles to grow bigger. Whey protein is another supplement that helps in bodybuilding. It is very useful for bodybuilders as it promotes muscle growth. Whey protein is available in liquid form which helps you consume high amounts of protein. L-Glutine is another essential bodybuilding supplement that should be included in your diet. It is an amino acid and found naturally in the body. It carries out a number of functions including muscle preservation and protein synthesis.


A proper diet is as important as performing bodybuilding exercises, to get the desired results. Protein is one of the most important nutrients to build muscles. A diet to augment female bodybuilding must be rich in proteins. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken, are a great source of protein. It is advised to have a heavy breakfast as it increases metabolism. The routine of having 3 meals a day should be stopped. It is essential to eat a meal every 3 hours as the body requires nutrients regularly to repair and buildup muscle tissue. Female bodybuilding nutrition mainly involves the intake of proteins and carbohydrates. Protein is a vital nutrient to maintain metabolism and reduce fat.


Female bodybuilding workouts which incorporate cardio exercises, are considered to be the best. Cardio workouts like running on a treadmill, should be a part of your bodybuilding program. Squats are a good way to burn calories. Other exercises that provide effective results are deadlift, bent-over barbel row and bench press. For your biceps, you need to include standing barbel curls, preacher curls and incline curls. Workouts such as hamstring curls, leg presses and calve raises, strengthen the legs. These are some bodybuilding workouts for women that must be included in your training routine. Joining a workout program that covers training, nutrition and supplements, can also be beneficial for women to develop a well toned body.

These are some of the female bodybuilding tips that have been recommended by female bodybuilders and will help you accomplish your bodybuilding goals.

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