Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

Don't we keep complaining about how the pollution levels in the environment have suddenly risen and how it is becoming impossible for us to survive in all this environmental pollution? Let's draw ourselves indoors for a while, shall we? You know those air ducts that you have fitted in your home? Those that help in regulating the temperature and circulating controlled air in the house? Those very same air duct could be one of the main reasons for increased pollution in your home! Let's review - Air ducts help to keep the home free of dust, allergens, pollen, pet hair and fur and other particles that could lead to allergies, respiratory and circulatory problems and the like. But when the air duct is clogged and unclean, instead of helping control the pollutants, it leads to spreading of the same, as well as encouraging the diseases that come with it. This is because it circulates the air that is full of pollutants throughout the house. That is why air duct cleaning becomes important so that the air that is circulated throughout the house is clean.


The process of cleaning the air ducts becomes important if there is mold formation, the habitation of rodents or a thick layer of dirt and dust that is actually being blown into the house through the air ducts.

Prevents Health Problems
As we have said earlier, one of the main benefits of air duct cleaning is that it cleans out all the debris, dust, mold and other bacteria and fungus that could lead to health risks like allergies, respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis and lessen the flow of oxygen as well. There are several and severe health risks that the growth of mold brings along which can be taken care of when the ducts are cleaned.

Increases Shelf Life
When there is an accumulation of dust and grime, it can cause many parts of the air duct to stop functioning effectively. Mold as well as dirt and dust get into the parts and can cause malfunctioning. When the cleaning is done, it causes the parts to last longer and prevents the incurring of cost for repairing and the like. Thus it not only increases the shelf life of the air duct but also saves money and thereby becomes cost-effective.

Prevents Rodent Infestation
Another major advantage of the cleaning the air ducts is that it can prevent the infestation of rodents and vermin. Rodents and vermin are carriers of diseases as well as lead to the destruction of the home by attacking food and house utilities like furniture and clothes. Not to mention the droppings that are left behind.


There are standard methods that are involved in the air duct cleaning process. These involve cleaning the duct including all the different parts that make the air duct. These involve grills, exhaust fans, drain pipes, fan motors, diffusers, heating and cooling coils, etc. The dirt is first dislodged and then a high powered vacuum cleaner is used to suck the grime away.

If there is presence of mold, specialized authorities and cleaning services have to be contacted who will then draw tests to confirm that the mold is not toxic. The mold will have to be thoroughly cleaned so that it does not re-infest the air duct and cause any health risks.

There is a need to keep a check on the methods that are used because the companies might use certain chemicals in air duct cleaning. One must understand the repercussions of these products before allowing them to be used for your home.

Other Factors

How often should the cleaning of air ducts be undertaken? There is no need to clean the air duct regularly. It can be cleaned as and when the need arises, like when there is excess accumulation of dust and grime and the like. Other than that, the cost of cleaning also needs to be kept in mind.

Air duct cleaning could be worth the time and money spent if the ducts are infested with rodents or there is growth of mold which can turn out to be toxic. On the other hand, if one simply wants to carry out the cleaning because they feel that it is mandatory, then that is not the case. As far as one is aware of the kind of air that is filtering in and they are convinced that it is clean, there is no need to worry too much on this account. But air duct cleaning undertaken once a year is quite sufficient.

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