Calories in Cabbage

A leafy plant, known as the wild mustard plant, is from where cabbage is cultivated. The leafy head is the edible part of the vegetable and due to its natural spice flavor, it is used in a variety of dishes. The vegetable belongs to all the important family of cruciferous vegetables and it is an easy plant grow. There are numerous health benefits which this vegetable has in store for mankind and they will be discussed at a later part of this section.

Cabbage Nutritional Facts

Calories in cabbage may vary according to its different types such as the savoy cabbage, napa cabbage, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage and green cabbage. The table below shows the calories in all these types.

Types of Cabbage Calories
Savoy Cabbage (serving - size 1 cup) 35
Napa Cabbage (serving size - 1 cup) 13
Chinese Cabbage (serving size - 1 cup) 20
Red Cabbage (serving size 1/2 cup shredded) 16
Green Cabbage (serving size - 1 head) 220

The next table is a description on the nutritional value of cabbage, again classified according to its different types.

For the savoy cabbage (cooked) with a serving size of 1 cup, shredded.

Nutrients Amount in daily % value (based on 2000 calorie diet)
Total Fat (0 g) 0%
Cholesterol (0 mg) 0%
Sodium (380 mg) 15%
Total Carbohydrates (8 g) 3%
Protein (3 g) 6%
Vitamin A 25%
Vitamin C 40%
Vitamin B-6 10%
Calcium 4%
Iron 4%
Zinc 2%
Thiamin 6%
Riboflavin 2%
Folate 15%
Phosphorous 6%
Niacin 04%
Magnesium 10%

For the napa cabbage with a serving size of 1 cup.

Nutrients Amount in daily % value (based on 2000 calorie diet)
Total Fat (0 g) 0 %
Cholesterol (0 mg) 0 %
Sodium (10 mg) 0%
Total Carbohydrates (2 g) 1%
Protein (1 g) 2%
Vitamin A 2%
Vitamin C 6%
Vitamin B-6 2%
Calcium 4%
Iron 4%
Zinc 25%
Thiamin 0%
Riboflavin 2%
Folate 10%
Phosphorous 2%
Niacin 4%
Magnesium 2%

For the Chinese cabbage (cooked ) with a serving size of 1 cup, shredded.

Nutrients Amount in daily % value (based on 2000 calorie diet)
Total Fat (0 g) 0 %
Cholesterol (0 mg) 0 %
Sodium (460 mg) 20%
Total Carbohydrates (4 g) 1%
Protein (3 g) 6%
Vitamin A 90%
Vitamin C 70%
Vitamin B-6 15%
Calcium 15%
Iron 10%
Zinc 2%
Thiamin 4%
Riboflavin 6%
Folate 15%
Phosphorous 15%
Niacin 4%
Magnesium 6%

For the red cabbage (cooked) with a serving size of cup, shredded.

Nutrients Amount in daily % value (based on 2000 calorie diet)
Total Fat (0 g) 0 %
Cholesterol (0 mg) 0 %
Sodium (180 mg) 8%
Total Carbohydrates (4 g) 1%
Protein (1) 2%
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 45%
Vitamin B-6 6%
Calcium 4%
Iron 0%
Zinc 0%
Thiamin 2%
Riboflavin 0%
Folate 2%
Phosphorous 2%
Niacin 0%
Magnesium 2%

For the green cabbage (cooked) with a serving size of 1 head.

Nutrients Amount in daily % value (based on 2000 calorie diet)
Total Fat (5 g) 8 %
Cholesterol (0 mg) 0 %
Sodium (3220 mg) 130%
Total Carbohydrates (60 g) 20%
Protein (13 g) 25%
Vitamin A 35%
Vitamin C 420%
Vitamin B-6 70%
Calcium 40%
Iron 10%
Zinc 8%
Thiamin 50%
Riboflavin 40%
Folate 60%
Phosphorous 20%
Niacin 20%
Magnesium 25%

Cabbage Health Benefits
  • Being rich in vitamin C, cabbage helps in fighting infections and strengthening the immune system. It is also effective against ulcers, certain cancers, depressions and help in healing of wounds and damaged tissues and proper functioning of nervous system.
  • Cabbage is a rich source of fiber and thus helps in preventing constipation, ulcers, headache, intestinal cancer, indigestion and resultant loss of appetite, skin diseases, etc.
  • The vegetable helps in detoxification of the body and that is why it is recommended for patients suffering from rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, eczema, hardening and de-colorization of skin, etc.
  • Inclusion of the vegetable in the diet may help to prevent or treat disorders like Alzheimer's disease, skin, eye and hair problems, varicose veins, leg ulcers, peptic and duodenal ulcers, etc.
As we can infer from this article, cabbage is loaded with several health benefits for the human body. However, there might be some exception for certain patients, as it is high in sodium and sugar, as well.

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