My Laptop Won't Connect to the Internet

So, let me state it right at the onset. I don't own a fancy degree in technology, nor do I assure you that I'd solve your connectivity issue, come what may. But I can definitely tell you about each and every Internet connection problem that I have had with my laptop, ever since I've learned how to operate one. But obviously, everybody is in a killer mood when the internet works awesomely. On the contrary, it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if, in case the internet doesn't work, you end up treating your laptop like the one chap in this image.

You know, every problem, however critical it may appear to be, eventually drops down at one point - technical support from a computer professional. Let's just shove away third party assistance today, and take account of the varied possibilities and solutions when your laptop will not connect. Internet, as though it isn't fraught with a number of technical issues, sometimes, doesn't work by itself, and you ought to take professional help. However, what follows below are some points that you could consider, to sort out the issue yourself. They might appear intricate, but they aren't. Really.

Laptop Not Connecting to the Internet: Solutions to all Why's and How's

Times when my PC won't connect to the Internet without perturbing me have been nothing but exasperating. What's more annoying has been a fact that most of the time, it was just a wire that was left unconnected. Okay, that shan't outline my incognizance of the bits and nuances of using the Internet, but then, out of the many basic reasons for your laptop not connecting to the Internet is either a wire not connected, or Wi-Fi not turned on, in case you're using wireless Internet access. So, please, check all the cables that are supposed to be connected, and make sure none is loosened or damaged.

Similarly, in case you have a Wi-Fi connection, check if the system is sending and receiving bytes at an equal pace. If it doesn't, forget Wi-Fi, pick up the main cable instead, and connect your laptop to it. Chances are, your Internet might just start working, for mine did, many a time. Check and confirm your IP setting with your Internet service provider (ISP), for it is essential for you to have the same IP address as your service provider has. When values change, the Internet connection gets affected. Check whether all the settings are correct or not. Usually, wrong choices don't let your laptop connect to the Internet, even when all hardware connections are right.

You know, despite trying out everything, the easiest way is to check whether the problem is in the laptop or the Internet connection. This can easily be done by connecting another device to your Internet connection. This is perhaps the best way to know if your device isn't recognizing the connection, or if, problems have arisen from the Internet connection's side. In case you're able to connect to the Internet in the second laptop or computer, you very well know that the fault is in your laptop.

System Restore is one of the best ways to restore your system to earlier settings when your laptop used to work properly. Intended or not, sometimes, settings change, and broadband Internet stops working. In this case, if you know how to use system restore, it'll help a lot by taking the system back to those settings when your laptop worked properly. Also, the troubleshooting assistance of Windows is fantastic, and running Microsoft's Network Diagnostics could assist you a lot in this case. For Windows Vista and Windows 7, the correct option is Diagnose and Repair. Read information there, and you might learn why isn't your laptop connecting to the Internet.

Sometimes, even when you know everything is at its correct place, the Internet doesn't work. In this case, why not disconnect everything, and restart your laptop? Right from your main switch to your modem or router's blinking lights, the LAN cable to your laptop's connectivity cable, turn off everything, and then turn on. This, I think, works well. However, if it doesn't, mate... server's down!

Spare me now, I plead. Possibilities are many, and in most cases, you cannot believe how dumb you can be, when the solution lies in just connecting a disconnected cable. Whatever the case be, if still, your laptop refuses to connect to the Internet, call a professional for some technical support, dude! He'll help you out better than anyone, for you're done applying all your gray cells. There are a number of other possibilities and solutions that I might have missed on, and I'd appreciate if you could share them here.

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